The depth of Reilly’s free fall surprises some of his biggest critics, like me. I’ve knocked Gabs around for being an empty suit. Obviously he isn’t, but I have now come to believe that Reilly truly is a Being There type of fellow. This public outting of Reilly unquestionable helps Gabs.
But the story today is Reilly’s walk down Broadway wearing no clothes.
It is so easy to hide behind a badge and say crime is bad. Thats what he has done throughout his career. Other than that he has made some mistakes in judgment which illustrate his more than occassional lack of competence, empathy, and intestinal fortitude.
Why did Reilly fight so hard to keep Tookie in jail? Why does he still refuse to open any files or re-open the investigation of the Boston Strangler case even though a considerable amount of new evidence, including a still living suspect, has come to light in recent years? Why did he ease up on the Bechtel litigation? There is no rational reason for that.
Why couldn’t he give a staright forward answer to his views on gay marriage.
Why did he extort $millions from the new Red Sox owners at the midnight hour of the sale? There was no legitimate legal leg to stand on but he could have held the sale up in the courts for months or more. This of course gave birth to the Red Sox Foundation.
He is an ace at wetting his finger and sticking it in the wind.
Unlike Chauncey Gardener however, Reilly believes he has superior ethics, intelligence, physique, or something. I don’t know what. But he is being fueled by some unrealistic view of himself and he caught a wave that carried him to the AGs office.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. To bad for Tom Chelsea Clock is on his heels.