I believe values and character should mean something in this race for Governor.Chris Gabrieli started his own non-profit foundation devoted to expanding after school programs for children. I feel as though Deval Patrick has chased the dollar half way around the world and sold his soul to the corporate board.I think in the end the voter will see through the polish and the slickness of Deval Patrick.
I’m still considering Tom R but I think he is fading fast. What do bloggers think??
Please share widely!
susan-m says
that you took Gabrieli at his word when he said you folks should start blogging.
What I wished Gabrieli had said is that you folks should blog well.
too-left-for-me says
Go to bed!!
susan-m says
Why did you edit your User Post?
Or, more to the point, why did you edit your post and not put an update in your post that you edited your post?
You took out the part where you asked, (paraphrasing) “What do you bloggers think?”
I referenced that question in my reply. Changing your post after people start commenting on it is very poor blogging form.
Please change your User Post back to the original form, or indicate that you have edited it.
too-left-for-me says
Ok Susan
my mistake..
alexwill says
That’s why I’m supporting Deval.
lightiris says
Well, perhaps our other friend has given up preaching to the masses or has morphed into someone else, but the good news is there are always others to step up in a time of need.
This is a big week in the Patrick campaign as they launch a long-awaited ad buy. Commercials are interesting things, no? As a kid growing up in the 60s and 70s, I tend to view those years fondly as a rather naive period in American popular [read: television] culture as well as the seminal years in propaganda-through-advertising. Middle-aged white men hawking all sorts stuff from carcinogenic margarine to tonics for iron-poor blood. For a kid though, those were great years on TV. For example, who can forget “Time Tunnel” with James Darren, he of the Gidget movies and Guns of Nararone. Like many other heartthrobs of the day, however, Darren was only said to be about 5’8″ even though his press information claimed he was much taller. Kind of a hard thing to fake–like being able to act. Darren also claims “T.J. Hooker” on his resume. Between Shatner and Darren, it’s a wonder no one’s television exploded in protest. Oy.
At any rate, while he may not have been as tall as Gabs, he does share one thing in common. Paisan. Turns out James Darren was born James Ercolani. Who knew?
Without further delay, I offer for your consideration:
James Darren
or Gabby
charley-on-the-mta says
Gabs is of Hungarian descent — no paisan. Don’t remember how he has an Italian name, though…
charley-on-the-mta says
Here’s the link. Italian-via-Hungary — and an all-American beauty in any event.
shillelaghlaw says
At least he was all about the “up with Chris!!!” positivity, without attacking the other candidates. đŸ™‚
too-left-for-me says
Please lightiris you could be scaring Independents away with posts like that.I realize we have a Kool Aid factor in this race but try to tone it down.I think this blog is looking for discussion and debate.I’m really not sure what point you are trying to get across here.
shillelaghlaw says
What’s so scary about Vic Fontaine?
lightiris says
Excellent reference! Darren managed to keep himself working, for better or worse.
I missed your post earlier, but–thanks for the laugh.
The free association question becomes does anyone remember Vic Hitler, the Narcoleptic Comedian from “Hill Street Blues”?
shack says
Although she may have felt that your initial post threw down a gauntlet by launching fairly shallow opinions about Chris and Deval without offering thoughtful insight or commentary. On DailyKos, I understand that people used to post recipes in response to stupid or pointless diaries. Maybe lightiris decided to branch out into popular culture instead of taking the recipe route. At any rate, I bet you would get more intelligent responses if you try to post more insightful diaries in the future.
(How did I turn into the BMG diary police?)
lightiris says
Certainly, then, something is amiss.
I’ll stop; no problem. There appears to be little tolerance on this site for snarky fun given the overreaction the heartthrobs seem to cause.
And I wouldn’t want to scare independents who wander onto the site. Heavens, no.
And I am concerned about all of you who don’t know how to use your scroll buttons, but that’s a lesson for someone else to teach.
It’s a wrap.
susan-m says
heartthrobs are wicked funny. I almost look forward to some of these unoriginal, not terribly well thought out User Posts just so I see who Gabs is going to have to face in a heartthrob cage match.
lightiris says
that’s my thinking, too. They’re meant to be rather good natured, not particularly nasty. But, I’m not really interested in pissing people off. I’m just having a little needling fun when the opporunity presents itself.
Heartthrob Cage Match. Make a great name for a band.
Well, we’ll see if how it goes. I’m convinced that some people really do need to lighten up a bit. This place can use a break from the Sturm und Drang on occasion.
sco says
I think you over estimate the importance of this or any blog in Massachusetts. Nothing that any of us say or do is going to make a lick of difference. How many independents have even heard of Blue Mass. Group? There are what, one and a half million registered Independents (give or take) in the state? This site gets about 1000 hits a day. Let’s be generous and assume that they break down the same as party registration in MA (a false assumption, I know, but it makes the math easier). That’s .03%. I wouldn’t worry about scaring away the .03% of Independents that come here.
But none of that really matters. I get that you like Gabrieli, and I get that you think Patrick can’t win, but writing posts about it on a blog is about the least productive thing you can do.
Go out. Talk to your neighbors. Knock on doors. Start up a Haverhill for Gabrieli and meet weekly with voter ID goals. If you want your guy to win, work for him to win. Otherwise you’re just wasting time.
afertig says
david says
It’s about 2,000 a day.
sco says
Didn’t mean to underrepresent your statistics.
That said, do you really think it’s worth worrying about whether something posted here will scare anyone away from a candidate?
too-left-for-me says
Simple really …
eury13 says
too-left-for-me says
you need it…