This national project is brought to you by some well-intentioned and hardworking folks in D.C., paid for with your tax dollars. The Citizens Health Care Working Group is a federal initiative created by a little known provision slipped into the Medicare Part D debacle legislation by Senators Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and Ron Wyden (D-Oregon)…
Taken directly from the official website:
During the past year, the independent, nonpartisan Citizens Health Care Working Group heard from thousands of Americans and formulated interim recommendations based on this public input.
You expressed your concerns, wishes, and expectations about the health care system and how you want it changed. Your Citizens Working Group needs to receive YOUR Comments before it prepares and sends Final Recommendations to Congress and the President…
Your opinion matters! View one-minute video, and tell us your reactions. Help shape the Final Recommendations to the President and Congress. Use our Public Comment Center to express your opinions!
Read what others are saying about these recommendations. Are YOUR views reflected? Please comment now.
FYI Boston was the VERY FIRST public meeting for community input. August 2005, as I recall. Too bad it wasn’t publicized. A few of us found out about it at the last minute and went and gave testimony which is available on the official website.