Not on the front page is the headline “Killer Coke story outrages Patrick camp” with this opening:
The gubernatorial campaign of Deval Patrick and a key supporter yesterday expressed outrage over a disclosure that advisers to rival Thomas F. Reilly had attempted to coordinate media coverage of a group that has been critical of Patrick’s corporate background.
“The credibility of the Reilly campaign is at question,” said Representative Michael E. Capuano, a Somerville Democrat, who has endorsed Patrick. “If you want to be trusted by the public, you have to be honest with the public.”
The dispute arose after Globe op-ed columnist Joan Vennochi reported e-mails showing that campaign advisers to Reilly, the state attorney general, had discussed how to “map out shadow plans for our friend at Killer Coke.”
Why does Brian Mooney mention Ray Rogers and the Reilly campaign but not the possibly illegal coordination (his colleague has the emails) between them?
The story about the coordination is written by LeMont Calloway. Gosh, you’d think Frank Phillips would write this story because he did the early work on it.
I’d thought this was going to be bigger news–assuming that Reilly would have to answer questions from reporters, but I should have known better. Given the Globe doesn’t want to put the effort into consulting a lawyer as to the legality of the “shadow plans,” and they only printed an article framed by the Patrick camp’s outrage, I don’t think one can always depend on the media to ask questions when possible illegal coordination has been spotlighted. The media seems to respond to publicity, so here are some questions I’d like Tom Reilly to answer publicly:
Does he exercise control over his campaign? If so, how did Ed Guarino decide on “shadow plans?”
Is his campaign a reflection of how he would be governor?
Does he have “shadow plans” for the government of Massachusetts?
Any other questions people think Reilly should answer?
For all of you Bostonites who actually do get a waft of news now and then from the Glob, here in Springfield, we have the aptly named “Republican”. The headline today in the “Republican”: “Reilly Predicts Tide will Turn His Way”. I’m not kidding. Here’s the link to today’s attention grabber. Puff, fluff and home boy made good. Corruption, bidness as usual, Killer Coke — not newsworthy.
I have a theory about this race: For every fluff piece the Republican does on Reilly, the Deval Patrick campaign gets a hundred more activists. You see, this part of the state has not really benefited from much that Reilly has done. Springfield has been inches away from receivership for years. The only person holding things together is Mayor Charlie Ryan, who was Mayor of Springfield in the 1960’s before a number of corrupt administrations destroyed it. He’s back, in his 80’s and holding things together as best he can. The lege and Romney don’t really seem to care about the third largest city in MA. The media long ago decided which side their bread was buttered on, so journalism basically consists of what is dictated by campaign consultants into the waiting ears of the media. Today’s headline is just additional evidence of bidness as usual. Arrrgggghhhh.
Completely agree – I was hoping for a leisurely expose’ of the ReillyGate fiasco today, and I click to only to see the diet coke of reporting (heh heh) – another example of “We don’t go for the truth, we just ask Campaign A for their side, Campaign B for their side, and call it news.” Pathetic.
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