So for all the Beltway bellyachin’ about how Ned Lamont’s victory over Joe Lieberman shows the Democratic Party’s fractiousness, just about everyone agrees that Ned Lamont’s got a fighting chance to be Connecticut’s next Senator.
But look towards Little Rhody, and you’ll see pure political fratricide, courtesy of our very good friends at Grover Norquist’s Club for Growth. Linc Chafee, a moderate but loyally caucusing Republican, is being challenged in the primary by Cvanston Cranston mayor and Club fave Stephen Laffey. Now, Chafee’s in trouble no matter what. But Bush’s ratings are Awful-Awful in Vo Dilun — considerably more so than our own Commonwealth. Does Laffey have a prayer? Nah. Is the Club’s $600 large gonna buy him a rosary, at least? Not for nothin’, but is somethin’ in your coffee milk?
Bottom line — Dem canadate Sheldon Whitehouse has a great shot. He’s on our Act Blue page. If you donate, hey — who’s betta ‘n you?
Go down an volunteer for Steve Laffey’s campaign. If he beats Chafee in the primary, Whitehouse is a shoe-in.
Don’t laugh, the Club for Growth already unseated its first moderate incumbent this cycle. Chafee could be next.
The last poll roundup I saw showed him struggling with Laffey in a major way. If Laffey wins, you’re absolutely right: Sheldon Whitehouse waltez. There’s a part of me, though, that thinks that Chaffee will pull it off. Whitehouse is polling quite well against Chaffee, though, too, so Whitehouse is in good shape all around.
Chaffee should have switched parties when he had the chance.
If he wins and the Senate ends up 50-50 (doubtful, since we’ll probably need his seat to get to 50-50), there will be a lot of Democratic “incentives” offered him to at least pull a Jeffords. And I think he’d do it.