He may very well have reformed. But stealing public money while serving as a police chief, is definitely a deal breaker when running for public office. Celester has already proven himself more than willing to violate the public trust and I, for one, do not want him making decisions on my behalf. Celester was not in prison for a vehicular crime, or an assault, or even a drug charge, he was tried, found guilty and served time for fraud.
And we have another choice.
Willie Mae Allen has both the qualifications and the endorsements to make her an equal, if not better choice for State Representative, than Billy Celester even before figuring in his felonious past.
As someone who has done some volunteer work with Ms. Allen and knows her work, I would ask that people in the Suffolk Sixth take all this into consideration and vote for Willie Mae Allen on September 19th.
The Boston Labor Council and the Massachusetts AFL-CIO have both endorsed Willie Mae Allen