So I support Rand Wilson’s run for state auditor, and I’m wondering if there’s a way to support him in the primary. I know that his run is meant to support the development of a Working Families Party, but I also know that one doesn’t exist in MA at this point. Because of this, I figured that he was on the Democratic ballot, but I just got mine (absentee), and he wasn’t on there.
So Rand, what’s up? Is there something that voters who support you can do in the Dem primary? Do you want folks to write you in instead of Joe DeNucci? Or is your run an independent, November-focused affair?
Please share widely!
While our campaign to establish the new Working Families Party is really important, it looks like I’ll do quite well in November. So the most important task now is to get the word out about Question 2. Volunteers are really needed for a few hours to give out “Vote yes on Question 2” palm cards to people after they have voted in the primary. We hope to field about 100 volunteers on Primary Day, and more than 500 on the Nov. 7 Election Day. Anyone interested in volunteering to work the polls, should contact me at 617 623-8405 or at
PS: the Sunday Boston Globe North edition had good coverage of our campaign at:…
Good to know, Rand. I’m out of town, so I’m voting absentee and won’t be able to do any poll-standing on primary day, but I hope that things go well.
For now, I guess that I’ll vote for John Bonifaz, figure out my less-than-gripping choices for Gov and LG (sorry, fans of all candidates, but none of the Dems have really grabed me), and vote against Marie St. Fleur (she’s my rep, and I disliked her long before her short-lived LG nomination–though she poses progressive, she was a Finneran lieutenant and basically goes along to get along).
Anyone know of any other down-ballot races in Suffolk County about which one should be aware? I’m inclined to vote against Mickey Roache for re-election as Register of Probate; he’ll win, but I don’t want to support the guy who ran the Boston PD during the Charles Stuart affair…