Below the fold on the front page of today’s Globe is this item in which BMG denizen and blogger-in-his-own-right Ed Prisby recounts the unsettling experience of having his own blog entries thrown back in his face in court. Prisby, as readers may recall, was one of several people affected by the traffic accident in which Cambridge City Councillor and then-Senate candidate Anthony Galluccio rear-ended one car, causing a chain reaction in which four cars were damaged. After lots of delays and a Channel 5 investigative report, the matter ended up at a probable cause hearing to see whether Galluccio should be charged with drunk driving (he wasn’t). There’s lots of coverage here.
The Globe item is a cautionary tale about blogging:
“I don’t regret anything I wrote, and nothing I wrote was inaccurate,” Prisby said in an interview. “But I’m willing to concede that, if read in a certain way and with a certain tone, it hurt my credibility in that room that day.”
Anyway, congrats to Ed on hitting the front page!
Blogging must be stopped! All you non-journalists will regret publishing your words which are nought but messy scribbles compared to the golden illuminated script of the traditional print media!
How many times have I told a client facing some sort of civil proceeding: Don’t blog about that. Take down that post. Don’t make any public statements. And it’s always really good advice.
And yet, there I was, doing it myself. Why? It was a funny situation. At the time I wrote it, there was no investigation. Even if there was one coming, Galluccio would more than likely have gotten off. We’re talking about bringing charges two months after the accident? That’s a tough case to make. So, with little to lose, I figured my cause would be best helped that by writing about it. I’m not sure I’ll ever make up my mind on whether I was right about that.
But here’s what everyone here should think about: There are some talented and smart people that post here. Someday, you too might be tempted to run for office and “do good” from within the system. How much of what you write here will come back at you?
Everyone agrees with me
…and I’m dead to boot!
I blog with two lawyers. Only then do I feel safe.
Remember the age-old adage: A blogger who blogs with lawyers has a fool for a client. No, wait, that’s not it …
well, less safe of course.