OK, it’s all set. The BMG Unity Party, at which we celebrate the fact that – as predicted – the party (and in particular the local blogosphere) has come together in truly impressive fashion immediately after the primary and is united in moving toward November 7, will be held:
- Date: Monday, September 25
- Time: 7:30 pm (after the debate, which runs 6-7 pm) until they throw us out
- Location: Jimmy Tingle’s Off-Broadway Theatre, 255 Elm St., Somerville (in the heart of Davis Square)
- Cost: $10 (covers the cost of the theatre).* Another $10 buys you a BBQ dinner.
We want to sell a lot of tickets to this in advance. So here’s an incentive: BMG will dip into its copious advertising revenues (ha ha) to pay for the BBQ dinner of the first 20 people who buy their tickets online at Jimmy Tingle’s website. So you’ll be getting a $20 value (admission plus dinner) for only $10.
In addition to good company and Jimmy Tingle’s comedic genius, we will have some very special guests. We’re not entirely sure who they’ll be yet, since everyone’s schedule is in flux, but you can guess who we’re working on. So far, John Walsh – Deval Patrick’s brilliant campaign manager – has said he’ll stop by. That alone should be enough to get you in the door.
So mark your calendars! Hope to see you there.
*We want everyone to come. If $10 is a problem, let me know either in the comments or via email (remove the “NOSPAM” before sending).
cephme says
I had a great time with you all on Tuesday and wouldn’t want to miss out. I just bought my ticket. See you on Monday.
cephme says
Does anyone know a place between the West End/MGH area and Jimmy Tingle’s that will be showing the debate? I would love to catch it before heading over to the party.
ed-prisby says
Six o’clock? Yeesh…I’m usually just starting to think about leaving work by six, never mind being in front of the tube by then. If I could find a place in the city, or even in Cambridge, that was showing the debate, that’d be pretty sweet.
Any ideas?
cephme says
I’ll try to check around the Beacon Hill/West End/Boston Garden area bars tomorrow if I have some time and post options here. If anyone else has any ideas of places please feel free to put them forward.
stomv says
And, I’ll be honest: I was on the fence until I saw the deal for free food. Then, it was a home run.
So, see you there. And EB3: I’ll buy you a whiskey sour if you show up.
cos says
I’m very short on money these days, but I figured getting dinner for $10 effectively reduces the cost of going to around $5 and I can do that.
fredct says
So there’s a debate Monday already, huh?
Can anyone point me to a debate schedule – Gov/Lt Gov? I’d like to know when they all are, but a Google search doesn’t seem to be much help at the moment – most of the results talk about the primary debates.
susan-m says
Waaa…. I have to chair my town committee meeting that night which starts at 7:00 PM so there’s no way I can get to the city before you folks are done.
I was seriously considering blowing off my DTC meeting, but we’ve been so fractured over the primary, that I’m using this meeting to do some fence mending. I wonder if I can talk my Vice Chair into chairing the meeting…. ? g
Will you folks still be there at 9:00 PM? I can blow through my meeting by 8:00 PM and be in Somerville by 9:00. (or 7:30 if I really blow through it g)
I’m all pouty now. 🙁
david says
at that point. Call me (or Lynne, or whoever) when you get done….but I’m guessing we’ll be there for a while.
bob-neer says
Dinner 7.30-9. Comedy. Discussion. All that good stuff from 9.00 on.
susan-m says
I’m in!
Plus, Lynne needs a ride home and you know I am her chof chauf driver. 😛
cephme says
I am willing to hang around until you triumphant arrival. It seems like it would be a very good idea for you to be at your DTC meeting. I am blowing off my state senator’s campaign kick off party (she was unopposed in the primary) to be there, but that is probably less important than mending the fences.
cos says
I happened to check BMG from the office of HeyLetsGo, where I’m helping them do some QA, so what the heck, I posted your event there. Try it out and RSVP here if you buy a ticket, and then we can all see who’s going. (and it can help me test 🙂
cos says
Hey, a couple of BMG people RSVPed there and it has already helped me come up with some usability improvement suggestions for them 🙂
charley-on-the-mta says
All in. See you there (again).
sabutai says
Fine, Monday. I just gotta pick out the video to show the kids in class on Tuesday…”don’t bother the teacher, kids, he had a long night trying to save democracy in Massachusetts…”
mem-from-somerville says
I always like a good excuse to walk to Davis Square.
I’ll be flying solo. Others of you who might be worried to attend solo please let me know. We could either meet and walk over together, or meet there.
Just so you’ll know: I attended Markos’ book signing solo, and met some really terrific people. Not scary at all. I don’t think I’m particularly scary either–unless you are a Republican. Chances of that are small, I’m guessing.
andrew-s says
Not even when I mispronounced the “mem” part of your name at the CtG event. (I’ll never do that again.)
mem-from-somerville says
at YearlyKos everybody called me that too. I just answer to it now.
Sorta like it. I never really had a nickname before….
{for the curious: I always thought of it as just my initials, but people use it as a single syllable. It works fine either way, it turns out}
ron-newman says
This is two blocks from where I live. Of course I’ll be there.
dcsohl says
You had to pick the week I’m out of town.
Next time…