Just when we set a new one-day record last week (4,024 unique visitors), you had to go and shatter it!
Yesterday we had 4,318 unique visitors and nearly 18,000 page loads, our biggest day ever. Today, at a little after 4 pm, we’ve already recorded 2,800 uniques, and that’s before tonight’s super-high-stakes debate (which I will be live-blogging from the Channel 4 studios). I’m looking for another record day today. [UPDATE: yup, as expected: 5,359 uniques. Previous records shattered – again.]
This joint is jumpin’! Many, many thanks to all who read, post, and comment here.
Please share widely!
will says
harryreid08 says
Based on the traffic at BMG and based on Galvin’s predictions for voter turnout, it looks like close to ten percent of the people voting in the Democratic primary next Tuesday will have visited BMG. This is an amazing statistic. Great work by those who created BMG and all of the contributors who have made it a success. Looking forward to David’s debate update tonight.
lightiris says
of people to watch and comment at the same time, we’ll have reached the acme of blogging community. Some of my fondest political memories are of posting on Kos during Bush’s 2005 SOTU speech with a few hundred angry and snarky political junkies posting reactions, sarcastic comments, and general observations real time (when it was still relatively small).
ed-prisby says
In other news, the Prizblog had a planetary-orbit-altering 90 page loads yesterday!
ryepower12 says
I had a near-record day too (not quite a record though), but it was nothing like yours =)
BMG is a great website, I’m happy people are viewing it. It’s nice to know that it’s just not the MSM that has complete, total control over political news in the Bay State.