I wouldn’t exactly call it a tidal wave … but the New Bedford Standard-Times, the Phoenix, the Rev. Jesse Jackson – and, of course, Blue Mass. Group! Not bad.
There’ll be more in the coming days, no doubt.
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
ryepower12 says
It’s not the Boston Globe, but he’s certainly showing his candidacy is legitimate. He’s showing to voters who are considering him that he can really win, which for some reason in a race where the primary winner will win seems rediculous, but it’s true.
Collectively, the three newspapers he got today (I think there was a third one) reach probably more than a 100,000 voters… so it can really make a big difference. If people know that Galvin won’t submit to a debate and has a mixed record, while Bonifaz is emmenently qualified and would bring in a lot of energy, I think Bonifaz can really win.
cos says
The biggest impact of the Phoenix endorsement is that it gets people thinking this is a competitive race where either candidate might win. There’s a big mental barrier against voting for a candidate who everyone expects will lost, even in a two-way race with no Republican opposition. For most people who see the Phoenix endorsement, that barrier will be gone. Not to mention all the people who weren’t even thinking about this race and didn’t know who John Bonifaz was.
smart-mass says
Where can I get a Bonifaz sign?
I’ll be doing some “corner standing” in Hudson soon for Deval and I think I can hold two signs đŸ™‚
rollbiz says
I’d like to Bonifaz my house as well.
lynne says
Though I have no idea what task I will have election day – probably coordinating, not sign holding.