Keller: Welcome to the very last Democratic Party gubernatorial candidates debate. I have only one quarter the intelligence and talent that the last moderator, Jeanne Shaheen has, so really, this is a big thrill for me. By the way, I dont like any of you all that much. Just so you know. Why should anyone vote for you guys?
Gabrielli (G): Mostly because Im so much taller than all these other guys. Did you ever hear those statistics about how tall people succeed so much more than short people? Ive got that going for me as far as electability goes. That, and I dont like Republican ideas, or Democratic ideas. I dont like ideas at all, frankly.
Patrick (P): People will vote for me, mostly because Im so much smarter, smoother and better looking than either of these guys. Plus, I can co-opt their ideas and just claim to be able to implement them better.
Reilly (R): Im an independent, which basically means Im hated equally by Republicans AND Democrats. And Im feisty! Grrrrrrrrr .!!
Keller: We have time for more. Who wants to go first?
P: I will. Ive been doing this for a year, and its clearly taking its toll on my senses. So, Id like to talk about the one issue that can keep me from being elected: Taxes!
Of course people voted for a tax rollback. Theyre not idiots. They dont trust government because people like Reilly are incompetent.
R: Hey! Its not my fault. It was the Republicans! I swear!
G: Reilly you idiot, just tell people they can cut the income AND property tax, like I do!
R: Ok. Ill try it: Deval, its not complicated! You dont need a formula! Just just listen to the voters! Yeah, thats it! The voters!
D: Tom, go back to sleep, you had the same position I have until, like, yesterday.
Keller: Well! On to the questions then. I just wrote these in the mens room. Those corporate slobs at Fidelity took their business and jobs to Rhode Island so they could spend more their huge corporate tax cuts at the Foxy Lady. Would you offer the same deal?
P: No. We want to partner with businesses. And Im trying to remember to mention the SBIR again, but I forgot.
R: We have to end the economic over regulation. After all, there was very little regulation and oversight on the Big Dig, and look how that turned out!
G: This is my small business pitch. I bet you all didnt know that small business owners are watching this, and they vote! Mostly for Republicans with Republican ideas about tax cuts. But remember, I dont like ideas!
R: Then why wont you give money to UMass?
G: I will. And the more you attack me, the more your supporters run to Patrick instead of me, you twit.
R: Oh.
G: Hey Deval, details matter!
D: Huh?
G: Nothing.
Keller: Lets talk about education. I made up this imaginary story about a mother with a smart kid in public education. That smart kid is being burdened by a total moron in his class. Well call him Tom and see if Reilly takes the bait. Should Tom be put back in tracking?
R: Hey, quit talking about me!
G: Settle down, Tom. We just need better schools, so Im going to talk about an issue that very few voters really understand completely: Charter schools! Deval wants to tell parents that their kids will always be forced into substandard schools, right Tom?
D: Hey, I dont support the way that school really abused Tom! And Im for charter schools so long as we can pay for
G: Hey, pal, Ive been talking about this issue in MA since back in 1993 when you were still trying to get white teachers fired with the Clinton administration!
R: Yeah!
P: That still doesnt mean you can pay for
G: Tom, hes leading in the polls by ten! Its tag-team time!
R: Get him!
Keller: Break it up guys. Next question. Can I get any of you to thrown state workers under the bus in the name of health care?
G: No, but Ill throw municipal workers under the bus instead. I read this great piece on bluemassgroup by a Republican named Gary
P: Im not touching that with the Gabrieli-sized pole.
R: Listen, Ive been here. And Im still here. Seriously. Hello?
G: Well, I have a chance to move off this topic, but Im going to throw a bone to the left of the party and suck some votes from Deval. Here goes: BUSINESSES PAY TO LITTLE UNDER THE NEW PLAN. Got that from BMG too.
R: Well, that idea works on paper, not in theory.
D: Thanks Tom! Ill just shut up and count my lead in the polls for a while.
Keller: Not so fast, Deval. Im going to give each of you the chance to totally destroy your hopes of coming out of this thing alive by letting you ask your opponents a completely open-ended question that will come back to destroy you in a second. Deval, you first.
D: Ill give it my best shot. *Ahem* Guys: Why are you both being such dicks to me?
R: Are you kidding? Youre asking me that question? Praise Jesus! Ok, Ill answer. *Ahem* Just tell me how much money youve stolen from drugs dealers, murders and rapists you Killer Coke swine! Answer that and Ill get off your back. There. Happy?
G: Seriously. This is a lay-up. For my part, Ill just say that Im not being negative. I just disagree with you. Mostly because Im right, and youre an idiot. But its nothing personal.
P: This really isnt turning out like it did in my head. Chris, I really just want to agree with you, co-opt your ideas, and let my personality win this whole thing. Why wont you let me, you behemouth?
R: Hey, Im still here too.
G: By the way, Deval, dont you live in a mansion?
Keller: Too late. Reilly. Your turn.
R: Im down in the polls, so the fear vote is big for me. Shouldnt we let people look at their co-workers criminal history. Yes, I know you otherwise need a court-order for this stuff, but I think weve come to the time in society where just anyone should have it. Dont you?
G: I dont know. Maybe.
D: Yeah, maybe.
R: Ah HA! Then tell me, Mr. Im-up-ten-in-the-polls, why you support some arcane bill no ones ever heard of that would release drug dealers from jail and give amnesty to Osama Bin Laden!?!
D: It would not!
R: Ok, it wouldnt, but some group out there thinks you think it would.
D: Youre crazy.
R: Like a fox!
G: Deval, what are you writing there?
D: Huh?
G: On that paper, what are you writing?
D: Hey, Gigantor, back off. Im stealing ideas from you, not vice-versa.
Keller: Okay, Gigantor, its your turn for a question.
G: Okay, lets see if I can trick the party lifer and the party darling into pissing off their base a week before the election. My question is, do you guys disagree with your supporters?
P: Youre not tricking me anymore tonight, long legs. I disagree with you and your ridiculous position on Cape Wind, hows that?
R: Unlike Deval, Ill answer this question! Lets see I disagree with MCAS drunk driving charter schools gay marriage in fact, I got booed at my own convention. Boooed! So, when it comes down to it, Im really a Republican. There, I said it.
G: Last chance Deval. Sure you wont try and kill yourself like Reilly just did?
D: Pretty sure, yeah.
R: Hey, fellas, the p
eople have spoken. They want their tax money! The debates over and Im still here!
D: Siddown, Reilly.
R: No, come on. Im not done with my blatant pandering to the tax cut crowd.
G: I want to talk about my plan more, and give you a chance to talk about yours, Deval. I have a plan, do you?
D: Im glad you asked. Something vaguely technical called chapter 186 + my campaign message = a plan.
Keller: Well, this has been fun. You all talked so fast we actually have time for more rebuttal. Any ideas?
R: Lets get back to education. I thought we actually had Deval on the ropes for a second there. By the way, Chris, I havent taken a shot at you in a while, so, youre a real jerk.
D: Thanks for giving me a shot at rehabilitating myself on this Tom. When I win the election, Im sending you a fruitbasket. Anyway, my education plan is all about collaboration and merit pay
D: Seriously. Sit down and be quiet.
Keller: When you guys win the election will you just hire cronies?
R: Heck no! I hire talent! Yessiree, Im a talent man. Puuuuure talent. Have you read the Tom Reilly and the Talent Gap piece on the Prizblog? I have!
G: Im not in favor of cronies. Or ideas. I also dont believe in the Beatles, I just believe in me. By the way, these other guys are hacks.
D: I want people who disagree with me. Like these two.
R: John Keller I will not hire you! Hahahahaha.
Keller: Settle down.
Keller: Okay, since theres a black guy in the room, lets talk about quotas.
G: Well, diversity is complicated, and opportunity is good ummmmm Can Deval go now?
D: John, I wont have to use quotas in my administration. Unlike these guys, I actually know other minorities.
R: Id just like to say I like talent. Again.
G: Dammitt, Deval, you didnt take the bait. Lets talk about taxes again.
D: You dummy. Watch as I school you on capital gains cuts, you rich bastard. You just gave me a chance to get back on message. You like that? I can do this all night long, son. All night long.
Keller: Okay, now for the closings.
R: Well, Im still here, and I get stuff done. Except for the Big Dig. Were working on that. So, really, all I can say is Ive had good attendance. I show up to work everyday and all that. Which, to be fair, is a step up from what youve got in the corner office right now.
G: Toms a fool with experience. Devals a fool with charisma. Im a fool/fool hybrid. And, again, I dont like ideas.
D: Well, I was winning coming in, and as far as I can see, Im winning going out. Plus, you all never did get to see what was on my paper. And since my last closing speech resulted in a ten point bump in the polls, Ill give you the same one. See you all in Patrick v. Healey next month!
strid8 says
This is exactly what I was thinking when Keller asked the question. Part of me really wishes Deval had said this.
eury13 says
“I count, right? Then yes, I’ll have a diverse administration.”
sco says
If someone asks me who won the debate, I’m saying Ed Prisby.
rollbiz says
I just want to sign up 10 puppet accounts to recommend this into the BMG Hall of Fame.
Best. Diary. Ever. And humorously and scarily on point in places. Bravo!
michael-forbes-wilcox says
But … how come you switched back and forth between “P” and “D” ??? huh?
Is this an indication of over-familiarity with one of the candidates? Do you really think we’re going to buy the idea that you’re impartial?
Comeon! Let’s face it! You’re trying to help “T” find those ten points he lost!
ed-prisby says
I desperately need an editor. There are a bunch of typos too. Sorry about that.
cos says
Since it’s your post, you can click “Edit” and re-edit it if you want to.
sabutai says
A diary I’m probably going to read five times before the week is out. My favorite line, though, comes from Keller:
“Well! On to the questions then. I just wrote these in the mens room.”
katie-wallace says
On a scale of 1 to 10, I give this a 12! 🙂
Thanks Ed!
newmstar says
I think it went something like this
peter-porcupine says
…The 40 Year Old virgin.
Is that meant as a political or personal commentary on Deval?
peter-porcupine says
Ed – Consider yourself Cross Posted on Peter Porcupine!
ed-prisby says
Thanks Peter! And thanks everyone else too! It’s been a long month and its nice to have some fun with this stuff.
dbang says
That was brilliant. Not only funny but you actually captured what really happened better than any summary I’ve seen so far. Sending this to everyone I know…
goldsteingonewild says
BMG guys: Pop demand is for y’all to carve some prime space for Neil Simon Priz to liveblog the Healey-85%LikelyPatrick Debate.
My favorite line is, out of nowhere: COKE!
gary says
lara says
One of my favorite lines: D: Thanks Tom! Ill just shut up and count my lead in the polls for a while.
On another matter, any guesses (or insider knowledge) about what Gabrieli might have seen? His doing it really turned me off (not voting for him anyway), but I do admit curiosity.
david says
Patrick said that it was something about how much Gabs is spending on the race. That’s all we know. The press was all over Gabs about it – he was clearly embarrassed that he had done it, and no doubt wishes he hadn’t.
peter-porcupine says
Ya DO it – ya just don’t TALK about it! And on camera to boot!
Of course, as tall as he is, he was probably reading John Keller’s questions as well!
cephme says
Maybe this is why tall people do better in politics. I has nothing to do with their looks, it is simply that they can see the debate questions before they are asked. 😛
tom-m says
Ed, two thumbs up. Thanks for a much needed laugh this morning.
That is brilliant.
political-inaction says
Kudos kudos kudos. Loved it.