Congressman McGovern is just trying to make a name for himself.I frankly have never heard of him before this blog.The Congressman has been successful in energizing the Gabrieli base down the home stretch.
The Congressman will be taking out Gabrieli’s trash September 20th.
Please share widely!
hlpeary says
Jim McGovern is a great guy and true gentleman. He and I do not agree on the governor’s race, but that’s okay. He supports Patrick and has since the start. That comes as no surprise.
I actually like no-bones-about-it-this-is-what-I-stand-for politicians, they are so rare.
If you read his post, he is up front about his support for Deval BUT says that he strongly supports Tim Murray for Lt. Governor because any “Democratic nominee for Governor” will need the strongest runningmate he can get.
I am for Gabrieli/Murray for all the same reasons McGovern is for Patrick/Murray…I want to beat the GOP, I want Central Mass to come back to the Democratic tent and I want someone who can deliver both dozens of mayors, hundreds of local officials and organized labor to our ticket…that’s why BOTH McGovern and I are with Tim Murray for Lt. Governor! Murray can do it.
On Wednesday morning, if it’s Patrick/Murray, I will work as hard as I can to get them elected.
If it’s Gabrieli/Murray, you can bet your last dollar Jim McGovern will work as hard as he can to get THEM elected!
We can’t afford not, too!
too-left-for-me says
What terrible thing to do to DEB Goldberg.The Congressman
should not be endorsing tickets.
lolorb says
do you live in MA? Because Jim McGovern has been one of the best advocates for local issues in government. Your post disgusts me with it’s ignorance (almost as much as the Gabbers campaign insulting the majority of Democrats in the state).
too-left-for-me says
MCGovern could have just lost the race for Deval. His endorsement has been sent out to several differnt organizers in Ma. People donot like it when a no name Congressman endorses a tickets before an election.
howardjp says
Jim McGovern’s endorsements were made early in the campaign and have been public for months. He backs up his support with real activity on behalf of the people he endorses. Gotta respect that.
theoryhead says
It’s been on my mind for a while: is there only one troll? I mean, are there hosts of them–living perhaps in their own gated community–or is there just one guy (guy, I imagine…but you never know) who just posts all the different ones (e.g. “Word on the street…”) we’ve seen over the past months? Perhaps, as with the question of whether there’s an afterlife, it’s not given to us to know the answer while here on earth. But sometimes it keeps me up at night wondering.
jaybooth says
Didn’t he do that already when he, uh, got elected to congress?
sco says
Don’t forget, Jim McGovern knows a little something about defeating Republicans in Massachusetts. Just ask Peter Blute.
sco says
TLFM, after your last post, I was worried you were going to turn into a valued contributer here. You actually made some real points that time, a real departure from what we’ve come to expect from you.
This is more like it. In fact, I think this might be the TLFM masterpiece.
too-left-for-me says
McGovern should have kept his second pick to himself.
smitty7764 says
Too Left for Me seems to major in the art of controversy. Jim McGovern was one of the first major pols to endorse Deval Patrick way back.Where is your proof that the Gabrieli base has been energized by Jim.
too-left-for-me says
That McGovern email was sent out to thousands of Gabs supporters..
squegro says
Too left – you’re officially babbling. What kind of argument is:
“McGovern should have kept his second pick to himself.”
Should you have kept your second pick to yourself? The guy is unabashedly pushing his picks for Gov. and LG. He’s obviously enthusiastic about a Patrick / Murray ticket and has been for a long time.
Enough w/ the sour grapes already.
We’ll leave some room for you on the Patrick/Murray train, but pull yourself together.