This text was Posted by David Dahl, Globe Political Editor at 04:47 PM Robo-call from Ralph Martin, former DA, on behalf of Tom Reilly, this week:
“…You may remember me as district attorney of Suffolk County during a time when Boston faced and conquered many challenges. …..Tom Reilly has taken on challenges and achieved success on behalf of the people of Massachusetts. His office helped bring clergy abuse to an end…. As District Attorney in Middlesex County Tom’s gang and youth violence initiative became a national model. His approach worked so well we used it to help reduce juvenile violence here in Boston. …. So please join me in voting for Tom Reilly on September 19.”
QUESTION: How can Ralph vote in a Democratic Primary? Did he switch parties before or after he talked Tom into the Marie St. Fleur fiasco? If GOPers Ralph Martin and Wayne Budd were not Tom’s top advisors and confidantes, perhaps he would still be at 40% in the polls…that’s where he was before he took their great advice.
Very good points all around.