Was just reading boston.com and came across an article about the candidates’ day campaigning yesterday. In the part about Gabrielli, it talks about how he mentions Patrick twice in a speech he gave, but never once mentions Reilly. Here is a link to the article:
I found this pretty interesting, especially on the heals of Patick’s email to his supporters late last week where he talked about Gabrielli, but never even mentioned Reilly.
Now, a lot of people here (myself included) have been talking about how, given Reilly’s debate performance, this is now a two person race. Of course, most of the people here support Patrick and Gabrielli so that is to be expected (and could be a little echo chamber effect). I just wonder if the campaigns have information (say internal polling) showing that Reilly is now a non-factor and that this is truly a two way horse race.
I have to say that I am impressed with the way Patrick and Gabrielli talk about each other. It’s not negative campaigning, but pointing out differences in their philosophies and approaches. And both seem to have genuine respect for each other. I would love to see a debate between the two of them without Reilly.
herakles says
Hoo knows? Reilly may even make it if he is lucky. As Mr. Jefferson said, “I am a big believer in luck. The harder I work, the more I have.”
sabutai says
I’ve been asking that question for awhile now, and I think we’ll all know the answer when the next poll comes out. Partially because if it is a two-person race, that will affect the vote I cast on Primary Day.
And I’m holding out for a poll, not reports about lawn sign prevalence or the opinions among line-goers at the local bank.
michael-forbes-wilcox says
Your vote will be cast based on polling data, not on whom you think will make the best Governor of this state? What a sad commentary on the civic process in this state/country!
Maybe you can see why so many of us have answered Deval Patrick’s call to re-engage in the political process.
trickle-up says
(which I’m not saying) this is still not a “two way” race because Reilly, and the people who might vote for him, are going to be factors to the end.