Well, it’s not quite the shiny logo event that the BMG powers-that-be have put together, but I’d like to do a Central/Western MA unity party in Worcester. Possible where and when would be:
Monday, Sept 25th 7PM until whenever they throw us out.
Anyone who would be likely to go, please drop a comment or email me at ROBARGEatGMAILdotCOM. If there’s interest.
Let’s throw a couple back and talk about a big victory in November! If the response is big enough, I’ll try to get some special guest politicians!
Update 9/25:
Just to let everyone know, tonight’s Central MA Unity event is on as planned. 7PM @ Irish Times in Worcester. I’m still trying to see if I can get a pol or two to stop by. I’ll be the guy with short black hair, a beard, and a Deval Patrick pin on. Hope to see you there!
Chris aka Rollbiz
As a home bread boy, and someone who takes nothing for granted, I support the idea and the venue! We need to continue OUR efforts to make sure we work EVERY DAY to get the Patrick/Murray ticket over the line.
If this is a go, I am sure I can rally some Murray workers to the event. After all we should all be on the same page and begin to get ready for what I believe to be a ugly/nasty 6 weeks. I hope I am wrong but what little I see and hear from the other side, we are going to be in for a war. A war that we can win by fighting each and every day in the field. All of the candidates that ran for Gov and Lt Gov showed that their camps had hard working troops that were not afraid to get their hands dirty and log long hours. So let’s all dig in and get our team in the corner office. We can by “working together” !
Go Patrick/Murray ! See ya, at the Irish Times !
I’d also add “What about Drinking for Unity in Western Mass?” đŸ™‚
It takes less time to get to Worcester from here (Cambridge) than from Amherst. And it takes about as long to get to Amherst from here than from Great Barrington. We think of Worcester as “central Mass” because of how population is distributed, but when talking abut travel times, it’s decidedly eastern.
The Worcester event is still on, just to let everyone know.
Thanks for the bump Charley…! As a quick update, we have Sens. Chandler and Augustus hopefully stopping by, and I’d love to show them a decent crowd! Please come by if you can! Post here or call me at 774-262-5727 for additional details.
Thanks to those who showed up…!!!