Intelligence tells me that Michael Flaherty has identified 3,500 people who will pull a Republican ballot for him on Primary Day (OK. I made that up)
I am not concerned about terrorism. Really. Not personally afraid at all. But, I am afraid of airport baggage handlers having unlimited access to my checked-in luggage. Can you trust them? Check out the stats on lost luggage and items since 9/11. Yeah, right. Lost.
Deval will get crushed by Kerry Healy if he gets the nomination. Hope is a wonderful thing.
I’m voting for Deb Silbert for Lt. Governor.
Deval will run away with thing if he puts out one more commercial with Osama Barak looking over his left shoulder. Hope is a wonderful thing.
Reilly keeps rollin’. Are people not becoming aware that Reilly is a fraud or do they just not care when they see the alternatives? I think it’s the former.
Really, who the hell does Boston Sand and Gravel know?
Romney’s campaign actually saved the state money for once by refusing police security for a highly controversial international figure. Local police stepped in to make sure there was proper security and no violence erupted. Costing more precious local funds.
Cities and towns need that $$$ so they can continue to send fire engines to medical calls and rear enders.
I’m getting psyched for the Bruins’ season.
Hope is a wonderful thing.
I know that’s you! Give us a smile, ya big lug!
I got the solution for the police detail – bill Hah-vahd!
Read my latest post!
“Really, who the hell does Boston Sand and Gravel know?”
I’ve been wondering that same thing for 10 years. A multi-billion dollar project completely designed …I’m sorry…Boston Sand and Gravel? What?
Mike Dukakis is the only Greek guy in the world named Stanley. (More proof that he is a fraud)
That pasty faced, sweaty Reilly could actually pull this off.
Have you ever heard of Boston Police Officers or STate Police Troopers turning down overtime?
Boston Sand and Gravel has a big pile of kidney stones on its site that it gets from Caritas Health. I thought they were pea stone but they corrected me, they’re pee stone.
I hear they are going to preempt the Steelers – Dolphins game so that the viewers can watch the Democratic Debate.
My wife makes an excellent koogle and on football nights she spices it up with little chunks of pineapple and ham.
Steven Tyler is a musical legend. I saw him and Axel Rose performing ‘O Mimi, Tu Piu Non Torni’ from La Boheme. Tyler performed the baritone portion and all I could say was “Bravisimo.”
the ones I produced this morning are prettier than Christy Mihos campaign
The Red Sox made a deal with the devil and that is why it is all going to hell.
Did the Red Sox make a deal with the devel to win it all and it’s time to pay up? Or, did the dead birdie put the hex on them?
Perhaps Satan had so much on his mind that the birdie’s death grabbed his attention and he gave this chore his previously neglected attention.
Or, maybe they just suck.