As of last evening, five of the nine Cambridge City Councillors have now endorsed social entrepreneur Andrea Silbert for Lieutenant Governor. Vice-Mayor Tim Toomey, currently serving his ninth term on the Cambridge City Council, long-time Councillor Henrietta Davis, and freshman Councillor Craig Kelley recently added their endorsements to those of Councillors Denise Simmons and Brian Murphy, both of whom had supported Silbert as delegates to the Democratic State Convention held in early June.
Simmons, the first openly gay african american woman to serve the City Council and now in her third term said, “Andrea sees the potential in all people and understands the importance of economic development and entrepreneurship. I believe that as Lieutenant Governor, she will continue to support the development of small businesses that are essential to the quality of life in Cambridge.” Murphy, a third-term councillor, added, “Having known Andrea for 20 years, I’m confident that she will be a terrific Lieutenant Governor and an effective advocate for the issues of concern to Cambridge.”
These endorsements only add to the very broad support already in evidence for Silbert across Cambridge including the vast majority of the convention delegates and endorsements from State Representative and former Mayor Alice Wolf, and Representatives Rachel Kaprielian and Anne Paulsen, whose districts include portions of Cambridge.
just thought I’d put that out there đŸ™‚
Drunks for Murray.
Just Kidding!!!!!!
All in good fun, cuz I know he’s got about as loyal a following as anyone in Cambridge and his bumper stickers seem to be on EVERY cab in the city.
That’s the first thing I though of too when I read that.