My how things have changed. Today, anyone with a PC can publish their thoughts to the world. On this day in 1690, according to the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities, “Boston printer Benjamin Harris produced the first issue of Publick Occurrences, the first newspaper published in Britain’s North American colonies. Readers were enthusiastic, but the governor was not. Under British law, “no person [was to] keep any printing-press for printing, nor [was] any book, pamphlet or other matter whatsoever” to be printed without the governor’s “especial leave and license first obtained.” In short, it was illegal to publish without the government’s approval, and Harris had failed to obtain it. Within a few days, the governor and council had banned publication of the paper. Authorities collected and destroyed every copy they could find; the one copy known to have survived is preserved in the British Library.”
Freedom of the Press
Please share widely!
Oh, so that’s what the Governor’s council does.
And you guys running BMG are doing more than your share to help people do exactly that. Thanks.