Who needs Kerry Healey when you have Chris? From today’s Globe:
After a flood of expensive, upbeat campaign ads, Democrat Christopher Gabrieli launched his first TV spot yesterday that takes aim at his opponents — suggesting they can’t be trusted to make the right decisions on taxes and the state budget, but he can.
then fast forward about six paragraphs
What was that he said about trust?
The ad, which invites people to read his full plan, omits one important detail. Gabrieli’s tax rollback plan would devote 40 percent of state revenue growth above inflation to a tax cut. That means if revenue grows by 2 percent in a given year, and inflation were 3 percent, the tax rate would not drop.
I see this tax rollback plan simply as a rosy scenario. It is all fine and well to discuss the growth of state tax revenue, but what if it increased in the first two years and then decreased in the third year giving away all the previous gains and then it remains stagnant? Does the Gabrieli equation have that rosy scenario solved? We need a leader that does not govern by gimmicks and equations.
I can’t find it on his site or on Youtube.
Wow! is that right out of the Republican playbook, or what? “Tax relief”?! Taxes cause heartburn? I don’t think so! They’re the way we pay for “the things we decide to do together” (the Barney Frank definition of government).
Tom thinks “taxes are too high”? Which services is he going to cut even more to balance the budget? He knows how to fight crime and educate kids on even less money than we’re spending now? I’d like to hear those proposals.
Folks, this is the wrong discussion (it’s Mass-backwards, one might say). Let’s talk about the needs of our Commonwealth, and then let’s prioritize them and find out how much they’re going to cost and then see if we can afford them. The tax rate is the end result of that discussion, not the starting point.