Bob, Charley and David, you guys put on a great event last night. The speakers were great, although I would I liked to see you guys talk some more!
I was even inspired enough by the event to make my first contribution to Deval.
Thanks again.
Please share widely!
Well, personally I wanted to get out of the way of Deval’s team.
Hes Governorish.
Jimmy Tingle hosts bloggers.
Blue Mass Group; full house!
There was a great turnout for this unique cast of characters. Shouldn’t we do this sort of thing regularly? Use the Blue Mass as a mobile force of goodness?
I was glad to see a very strong showing of the Patrick/Murray staff. Even better was that they (John Walsh) took questions.
Lynne, Deval’s Lowell coordinator, who nearly pulled off a miracle (missing a win in her city by only 75 votes, and she did that with little to no local political support), asked the best question of John Walsh: “Now that the reinforcements from Victory ’06 are here, can I get a demotion?” I don’t exactly remember John’s answer, but mine is “Hell no!” We grassroots have figured out this business, you especially Lynne, so we need to be up front leading the charge. General Walsh and Field Marshal Stolberg have a great plan, but we know how to make it actually work. The thing that should make your job a lot easier is that all those troops that were working against you in the primary should now be with you.
I want to go back to being a little cog!
Well, that’s all I’ll be after this election anyway…as a newly minted member of the barely-active Lowell Dem City Committee…you gotta put in some serious time there, I think the requirement is more than 50% gray hairs before you can actually DO anything.
That is, if I can avoid being accused for being responsible for the downfall of Gore in 2000 at the next meeting. ;P
How about Name Tags where you can write either/or/both your BMG username and your real name. But shy folks wouldn’t be forced to wear a nametag.
Agreed…me and several people said the same thing last night.
Thanks for coming everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!