For those of you who have never voted before, or never voted in a Primary before here are the things you’ll need to know if you plan to vote in tomorrow’s Primary(and I hope that you do!):
1. Have registered either as a Democrat or Independent on or before August 31st, 2006. (or Republican if you plan on voting in the Republican primary…not that there’s much of a selection)
2. go to http://www.wheredoiv… and type the address at which you are registered to find out where you’re polling location is.
3. GO VOTE!!! Polls are open from 7:00 AM to 8 PM. Make sure to have some form of ID with you just in case. If you’re recently registered bring your little piece of paper that was mailed to you with you! If you’re not on the rolls but know you’re registered, ask for a provisional ballot, it’s your right (and yes I know they’re not often counted, but you never know…).
If I missed anything or got anything wrong please feel free to correct me. We have some great candidates (and some not so great candidates), but they’re all better than Kerry Healy and Reed Hillman (and whoever else they have running who don’t actually have a chance of winning) so go out and vote for your candidate!
Bring ID with you to the polls. If it’s conveniently findable, bring not just an ID card of some sort (like a drivers’ license) but also a recent bank statement or utility bill addressed to you. Chances are, you won’t need it, but you might and it can’t hurt to have it. Even if you’re sure you returned your city census this year, for example, maybe someone messed up anyway. You might be inactive and have to show ID.
However, if you don’t have ID, forgot it at home, don’t know where it is right now, polls are going to close… go anyway! Voters on the active list don’t have to show ID. Don’t let lack of ID keep you from the polls, or make you late.
not to be a shameless self-promoter, but I think this was a pretty darned important post, shouldn’t it be front paged???