Meanshile, here’s what the Herald is saying:
Chris under the microscope: Stem cell ties dont jibe with denials
By Dave Wedge
Boston Herald Chief Enterprise Reporter
Friday, September 15, 2006
A company founded by Chris Gabrieli is one of the worlds leading patent holders in stem cell research, raising questions about the Democratic candidate for governors denials that he stands to profit from his plan to fund the controversial science with tax dollars.
Isis Pharmaceuticals – a company in which Gabrieli owns $1.5 million in stock – ranks third in the country in stem cell patents. Gabrieli sat on the firms board of directors until February.
The company holds 46 stem cell patents – second only to the University of California and the Japan Science and Technology Agency – and has as many as 30 more pending.
One Isis patent reviewed by the Herald is for a technique devised by the company for maintaining a pluripotent stem cell. The highly technical document also includes mention of embryonic stem cells while other patents refer to methods of preserving stem cells.
But Gabrieli insisted yesterday that Isis doesnt do stem cell research.
The Herald is taking a particularly aggressive tone with Gabrieli. Considering that the conservative voters on Gabrieli’s radar are more likely to be Herald voters, that’s not a good sign for his campaign.
This is playing great for Gabrieli and the campaign. This added interest will only serve to increase turnout to levels higher than are currently projected.
WRKO’s coverage was superb for Gabrieli this morning and they are not usually aligned with the Democrats on much.
I noticed that you missed the editorial in this morning’s Herald so I thought that I’d help you out.
Here’s a few other gems for you.
We can agree to disagree on the politics, but I almost lost my lunch laughing when I saw this. Excellent response!! Absolutely one of the best that I have seen, even if I am the “target” of it. I need to send you a 6 for that one. 🙂
I meant what I said – I am also sure that Baghdad Bob did! The only difference is that my opinion is based upon most of the media coverage and feedback we are receiving.
Interestingly, leave it to Deval Patrick himself to perhaps sum this up best. He said that he has no doubt that Gabrieli’s motives are “to advance healing, not make money”.
Margery Eagan, in today’s Herald, said:
You think Healey might have some internal polling prompting herad buy?