Nice move by Healy in getting Gabs to go off course and deny whatever the hell it is she is saying about him. (nobody cares)
So instead of Gabs going after Deval this weekend and cluing everone in on what a nut he is, he stupidly is defending himself on this. SUCKER!!!
Gabs hung-up on a reporter yesterday after scolding the scribe for calling him.
Gabs stole a peak at Devals notes and then had the balls to ask him about what he had read.
Gabs tried to – I don’t know what he was trying to do – by saying he spends his $$$ on buying an election, not building a home.
Gabs got a kick out of himself when he gave his (it is an insult to jokes to call this a joke)
‘glass mansion’ line.
Gabs wanted a stand at the debate if his opponnenats had them. “hey look at me, i’m not only rich, smart, and doofy. I’m also tall”
Gabs didn’t get Reilly’s Lt. Gov. job because the Reilly people saw what a pain in the ass he would be and would really think his opinion mattered.
Gabs is a rich spoiled guy. After years and years of trying a buy relevancy he finally gets a little.
Within hours however he starts to have his meltdowns. And We Begin to See Real Victor Mature.
It actually would be fun to follow his self destruction if he wins on Tuesday.
Will Tom Reilly sneak by?
This race Tuesday is anyones.
Kerry Healy is Unbeatable!!!!
Unless Christy screws her up. Doubt it though.
People are calling onto the talk radio shows and saying Healey’s ads suck and they make Gabrielli look good. I have to imagine that “independent middle MA” sector was Healey’s target audience, and they are rejecting her msg.
going after Deval. Talk radio, Will? Talk radio? Contrary to the majority opinion here at BMG, Deval is who Kerry wants to run against.
There is a huge number of undecided and many of the “committed” are soft commits.
Gabs has no real organization. He has no committed field organization. He will most likely be paying people to hold signs for him. How many hard identified votes does he have anyway?
Yes, we all know about Devals field organization. And Reilly will have a decent one depending on where you are. Which politics organizations in different areas are really working or just endorsing?
Unless Gabs does a better job of showcasing Deval’s far left tendencies, and stop transforming himself into an only child who is very spoiled, he will go down. But even if he does, he might not steal these moderate dem votes. Reilly still can.
This is a 3 way horse race right now. So many votes are up for grabs and very few are guaranteed.
Think anybody will care about an ad for a FORMER candidate if Gabs loses?
On a different not, the bad weather – I KNOW all the Deval folk have pure and shining hearts, but Reilly voters go to Altar Guild in six feet of snow to say a novena. You can’t budge his voter base with a stick of dynamite, let alone a few raindrops. Deval needs to chew his lower lip a little until the day we have on-line voting. Gabs voters are still looking for the limosine to the polls.
Reilly may pull this off after all!
(Says this Reilly voter.)