We hope everyone will join us for this exciting event. FYI: it would help us and Redbones out considerably to know in advance how many people are coming for dinner. So if you know you’re coming, please buy a ticket (links are below the graphic). And remember: BMG buys dinner for the first 20 ticket buyers. Free BBQ dinners snapped up. Please buy a $10 dinner ticket for lip-smackin’ finger-lickin’ award-winnin’ Red Bones BBQ. See you there!
Click here to buy tickets ($10 cover for theater). Free BBQ for the first 20 to buy tickets.
Click here to buy dinner tickets ($10 for Redbones BBQ).
Click here for more information.
Please share widely!
I have seen in a few places where it says that there is a debate on Monday night, but I dont see information regaring this anywhere ‘legit’, like any of the local news channels websites, boston.com, massdems, Deval’s site. Is this true, and does anyone have a link or more information?
It’s on Fox25 at 6 PM.
Thank you very much. Can you tell I try and avoid Fox? đŸ™‚
… and click here for the HeyLetsGo invitation I set up for the event – so other people see who’s coming and we increase that social pull đŸ™‚
(I am doing some testing for the HeyLetsGo people, and I also think it’s a nifty tool, kind of a combination of Meetup/DFA-Link sorts of things, and event listings/concert listings sites)
For those who can’t make it out to Somerville, please consider attending the Central/Western MA Unity Party I’m organizing in Worcester!
I’ll keep that in mind, too. Irish Times was our old Dean stomping grounds for the last of the meetups and, [groan], the Iowa primary. Haven’t been back since. lol.
Bob et al,
I will not be able to attend, as much as I’d like to. We have a local organizing meeting that night — on to bigger and better things for November 7!
So, in lieu of all the money I would have spent [on gas (it’s nearly a 300-mile roundtrip for me, so, despite my driving a Prius, it adds up even before adding in tolls and coffee, etc. on the Pike) plus drinks at the event], I have purchased some tickets that you can give to anyone you choose, or keep the cash to benefit your next event, or whatever you wish to do. Just don’t expect me to eat BBQ over the internet. (Or in person, for that matter, since I’m a vegetarian.)
Yes, that’s right, I’m a member of the “loonie left” — a moonbat — who drives a hybrid car, eats organic food whenever possible, is a vegetarian (by choice) and is gluten-intolerant (not by choice). Fortunately, wine is gluten-free and does not require the killing of animals to produce. I look forward to quaffing a few with you next time!
you should get one of these. it’s organic!
Cool! I think I might just do that!
That is very much appreciated! We’ll miss you, but I dare say there will be a few comments to make you feel like you were a part of the event even if you couldn’t be there in person.
Well, Mondays are exceptionally busy, but I do love to hang out with my fellow Bay State progressives…
blah! Mondays have become so bad for me this semester… class till 5:30ish, then a Pride meeting at 6 and College Dem meeting at 7 (I decided to lend my skillz to them this semester to help make them relevant).
I’m going to have to put myself down as a maybe; it’ll depend on when I get out of class (if I can swing an early exit from my seminar, all the better) and if the meetings aren’t all that important.
Y’know….if I wrote this on my blog as remarks from a ‘typical’ Deval supporter – well, let’s just say China doesn’t HAVE enough tea…
Okay, I bought a ticket. How do I know if I am one of the first 20 Prizewinners?
I don’t know if I can swing this, but how complicated is getting to Somerville from Worcester? Don’t think I’ve ever had anyr reason to go to Somerville….
Take the train from Worcester to the last stop (South Station). Get on the Red Line inbound and get off at Davis Square. The theater is 2 short blocks from the station exit.
I live right by Davis Square and you could borrow a parking permit from me. There is some public parking near Davis Square, but it is limited.
Thanks. Let me Google this and see what it looks like
should not be too bad on a Monday night, since there are no live shows at Johnny D’s or the Somerville Theatre.
If you park in a metered lot you need to be aware that parking meters are in effect until 8 pm. They cost 25 cents per half hour. This applies only to meters in lots, not on streets. Street meters end at 6 pm.
Can’t get back to Worcester at a reasonable hour. I’d have to drive.
You could stay in Worcester and come to Irish Times!
you could drive into Somerville with me. lol.
Well, I’m not sure if you’re kidding but that’s the primary reason I’m not going (not having a car I can trust to get to Somerville)…
Fair warning, I need to leave relatively early as I have to be at school at 7:15 AM. My car is brand new and can tolerate the trek. lol.
If you can, email me at ROBARGEatGMAILdotCOM and I should know by later today whether there’s going to be enough interested parties to warrant a Worcester bash.
…well, my married daughter lives in Porter Square, so I guess I have one, but the rest of the world…meh.
Or perhaps someone from his campaign. We’d love to see them. Maybe you could reach out to them, see if anyone is coming or can be convinced to come, and drive together.
Tim will be with Deval Patrick at the debate in Dedham. I’ll be there for the Murray side of the Patrick Murray ticket, but, of course, I’m just coming from Belmont.
Though if we’re in the first 20, give our BBQ meals to #21 and #22…Chris and I will probably head into Chinatown for sushi or something before.
Though, THAT would mean missing the first debate!!
Please buy the tickets from the Jimmy Tingle website, so we can get a good count. Thanks!
Why, is it not showing up?
No, it did go through, I got the confirmation email, never mind…
Bought a ticket. How do I know if I should also buy a food ticket? I do wanna eat (since I’m driving from the middle, lol), but I’d rather put that $10 to gas/parking if I’m one of the lucky first 20.
Bob, David, Charley? Should I buy a food ticket or not?
We’re assembling the list of lucky winners, but don’t worry – regardless of whether you’re on it, you get to eat (you just might have to pony up at the event!). Stay tuned….
broadcast on any radio stations? I’ll end up missing up for driving….
The BMG Unity Party is sparking an interest in my colleagues here at the Patrick/Murray campaign. I’m happy to to tell you that so far Nancy O’Connor Stolberg, our Field Director, Doug Rubin our Senior Consultant, Charles SteelFisher, our New Media Director and Tracey Lewis, the Campaign Manager for Victory ’06 have agreed to join me at this historic celebration.
I’ve invited all of our combined (Patrick/Murray/Kennedy/V’06)staff to join and I’ll let you know later how many of them are planning to come.
We are also planning to unveil something really exciting at the event. More news on that later.
See you at Jimmy Tingle’s!
John Walsh
Campaign Manager
Deval Patrick for Governor