stretching or distorting the truth? During her “victory” speech KH (out of touch) said
While I was in high school, I worked three jobs to help my mother and to save money for college, and one of the most important things that I learned during that time was that all honest work deserves respect. And I learned what it is to work for minimum wage and why getting an education is so important. Like all of you, I look at my paycheck every week and calculated how much time I had worked just to pay taxes.
I thought Florida didn’t have state income taxes.
Please share widely!
I wonder what a high school kid with three minimum wage part time jobs had for federal withholding back then. My money is on none.
You’d have to work a lot of hours at minimum wage to be paying income taxes.
I have withholding statutes and actual earnings (for example) dating to 1972. I can show you required withholding of SS, Medicare and Federal on amounts as low as $285.
Ms. Healey was born in 1960, working in, say, mid 1970s and later?
Put up the money and call.
at $2.10 and was she abitious. But seriously wasn’t the minumu wage about that an hour in 1975 and if she was working partime jobs at say 15 hours each per week she would be grossing what 50 bucks per week per job, Gary what was the federal withholding on 50 per week
Memo to self: never gamble with Democrats. They never have any of their own money to put up.
In 1975, the social security and medicare tax withholding started on the first dollar at 5.85% (Big PDF, go to page 13 if you want to see SS rates). Federal withholding started at $1 after the first $60 per week (for single individual). Weekly $120 was $7 of Federal withholding.
And, as one who knew, $7 to a teenager in 1975 was more than a tank of gas.
Come on guys, don’t any of you remember as teenagers rushing to file your 1040A or 1040EZ to get back a few bucks of tax refund in April because taxes were taken out of your summer job paychecks?
never get into a pissing contest with Gary over taxes, or at least be very specific. When I said federal withholding I meant federal INCOME tax. My fault not addressing the ss taxes, that being said I’ll pay up and buy you a beer, cocktail, coffee or whatever. Come on down to Worcester city hall in the back at like 6:30 ish tonight. Ill be wearing a tie with flags and little donkeys
And, alas, I was willing take your money anyway. I’ve a speaking engagement at 6:30 in Oxford tomorrow. Another time though. đŸ˜‰
but, no, I don’t remember fliing an EZ as a teenager, because I claimed exempt. You can claim exempt if you’re a full-time student and make less than a certain amount. Yeah, the SS and all still comes out, but federal witholding doesn’t.
In 1980ish, what I had coming out of my paycheck in taxes as a teenager working 25 hours a week was a pittance. I certainly never sat there figuring it out like Healey says she did.
I was going to say “Is she moving her lips?” but the bit you quoted there doesn’t really seem to be an example of lying or prevaricating or really much of anything…I kind of suspect if she worked “three jobs” while in high school that those jobs were probably part-time and not concurrent. The thing about paying taxes appears to be in the present tense (OK, the tenses are mixed, but I interpret it that way), and therefore irrelevant to minimum wage or Florida (did she grow up here?) or whatever you’re trying to tag her with.
on the mix up on past and present tenses but as far as I know she is not collecting a salary for being LG, so does she have another job?
then they pay taxes as a couple. I didn’t realize the LG didn’t get paid…but then again, I haven’t given much thought to LGs in general. The LG here in Florida is a total “Throttlebottom” type (ie., nobody).