Jay Fitsgerald said the following in his blog today
“I got cornered last night by an old scully-cap wearing friend, a Dem who still fondly talks about Ireland and James Michael Curley. I politely tried to brush him and his gin breath aside. I’m glad I failed. Here’s roughly what he said (warning: strong language): “Hey, what do you think of this Deval guy? When I went into the voting booth, I didn’t know who the fuck to vote for among the three. I went for Deval. Why the fuck not? We got to try something different. If he fucks up, it wouldn’t be the first time I voted for a clown who fucked up at the State House.” …
Screw you Jay. That is how you talk about a friend? What if you described him a “big ‘fro wearin’, pimp dressin’, menthol cigarette smoking smokin’ of mine”?
Oh, aren’t you funny? And so acceptable among the self-righteous, self-indulgent, highly judgmental elitist “press” in this town.
Scally cap? Gin breath? Politely try and brush him aside?
Right, why would you ever waste your valuable time with this “friend’? What could he possibly say that could interest you at all? I mean he was an ole irish catholic guy who has lived in Boston longer than you have been eating twinkies.
Too, TOO Twentieth Century!