Jesus didn’t vote, so why should Deval?
Jesus never suggested another way to fund the Roman Empire. So why should Deval give details of how he will make things work
Jesus always took the time to preach to sinners. So Deval does too.
Please share widely!
Back in 1990, on the South Shore, there was a Republican lawyer who ran for state representative against a Democratic incumbent. Apparently, that lawyer never voted in local elections or attended town meetings either. The Democrats tried to raise a big stink about it. The voters didn’t care. The lawyer got elected.
p>Now he’s the acting director of the ATF.
Jesus didn’t let the devil run his campaign either, or let the devil trick Him into answering ridiculous loaded, hypothetical questions.
He also said more than a few things about changing the culture in Rome, but was short on details. What a loser.
Details? You-Know-Who is in ’em.
Let’s see…she won’t talk to ’em, hates everybody who’s willing to talk to ’em, but she’ll be the most effective at working with ’em for the next four years.
Gotta be a parable in there somewhere.
I thought I had seen some stupid posts but this one takes the prize. To try and bring Jesus and Deval into the same light is just plane dumb.
The fact that Deval has not voted should not be a huge issue except for the fact that he keeps wanting to get people to vote especially new voters and how much faith can people have in someone who says something but does not do it himself.
It is a small issue but it may hurt Devak in terms of the integrity of his arguements.
p>Most of EBIII’s posts have an element of snark, sarcasm, and satire to them, and are among the funniest (and truly insightful) posts on BMG. Don’t take the Jesus/Deval thing as a serious comment.
It will not change my thoughts on this post. It is still one of the stupiest things I have ever read.
The best thing to do is click the “reccommend post” button on the right. That means you want them to take it down. If they get enough, they will.
Sorry boss but I am not that stupid. Unlike most people on this site I do not follow every word that the lead bloggers on this site say. I can actually think and act for myself.
But CM is right about not being like “most people on this site [she does] not follow every word that the lead bloggers (Me – EB3, Ernie – Ernie Boch, III – EB) on this site say.”
It’s good to be the king.
don’t you remember mixing the grain alcohol with the koolaid
Ernie forgot that he mixed the Funny Face Cherry packet with the preferred beverage of my ancestors, that milk of the Maritimers, the acme of foot-pounding, heart-stomping liquors, Newfoundland Screech.
Now EB, if you can down a Liquid Plumber, served Maritime style with just a whiff of cherry without falling off your Go-Go, falling out of your Stannah stairlift, I’ll buy you a bottle of Screech for your own personal stash to facilitate your concoction of the required elixirs for the upcoming election.
would never drive a gogo after he had been drinking and he should never use a chairlift. In any event, I understand that he has a driver.
That I love Screetch. I know it’s not especially good, but boy does it warm up a winter night…or a summer night…or any night…or day…
I hadn’t realized that most people on this site really do what we say!
We must convene an executive committee meeting at once to determine how to exercise this newfound power.
Ernie, you’re a lead blogger!! Who’d a thunk the day would come!
I would be so disappointed if you are a dude.
No, really, I was laughing!
I can think of nothing more stupider than this post.
I’m sure you’ll find plenty of inspiration.
you are making a joke about something that could be a bad thing. I was speaking to someone in my office and he thinks as well as I do that this hurts Deval’s credibility. And that is not a good thing, especially if voters start thinking the same way. We should not be making a joke about this issue we should be finding ways to make it go away.
but I do have an office and a job, what about you?
Crap. I had the metaphors ready and everything.
Deval was Jesus tempted by the Devil (Healey) after wandering for days in the wilderness (western mass). Lazarus was Reilly except he’s still dead. So with his flock (the moonbats) and his staff (his staff) he led his sheep (flock, moonbats, you get the picture) to the Promised land (oops that’s old testament isn’t it)…ok, so he leads them to Cape Wind (played by Kennedy) which is just outside of Rome (Boston, yeah too easy) where Caesar (pick one of many) sits in judgement.