Yeah, Keller pretty much nails it. I guess I’m not convinced that things are all that “volatile,” since we’re so close to the end, and I think 90% of the time, charisma trumps all. Deval’s got a lot, Chris has some, right now Tom’s got the charm of a Haymarket sea bass that’s been left in the sun too long. I’m not saying Deval’s got an iron-clad 16 point lead, but I think he can take the punch of Gab’s ads. Call it a 6 point victory on Tuesday.
I disagree that Patrick “remains vulnerable to the charge that hes choice pickings for Kerry Healey in the fall.” See above. She’d have to break his composure somehow, and I think he’s a lot more resilient than she is.
and I think the chicks are diggin’ Deval. That’s not to be under-estimated. But I am by far not convinced. Gabs win this handily.
… that Allston Car Wash is the Best in Boston.
Naw, just kiddin’. Never been there.
Yeah, Keller pretty much nails it. I guess I’m not convinced that things are all that “volatile,” since we’re so close to the end, and I think 90% of the time, charisma trumps all. Deval’s got a lot, Chris has some, right now Tom’s got the charm of a Haymarket sea bass that’s been left in the sun too long. I’m not saying Deval’s got an iron-clad 16 point lead, but I think he can take the punch of Gab’s ads. Call it a 6 point victory on Tuesday.
I disagree that Patrick “remains vulnerable to the charge that hes choice pickings for Kerry Healey in the fall.” See above. She’d have to break his composure somehow, and I think he’s a lot more resilient than she is.
and I think the chicks are diggin’ Deval. That’s not to be under-estimated. But I am by far not convinced. Gabs win this handily.