Interesting post over at the Globe blog today about the exchange that occurred after last week’s LG debate at Ch. 4 regarding the cancelled LG debate sponsored by the State Party.
Here’s the meaty part of the candidates’ exchange:
I would like to get us all to commit to reschedule that one, said Andrea Silbert. I think its really important to be in front of the state party. Will you commit?
Certainly, said Timothy Murray.
I dont schedule myself, so I have to look at my schedule, said Deborah Goldberg.
Will you commit? Silbert asked again.
I will commit to it if it fits in the schedule, Goldberg said as she started making her way out the door.
In Goldberg’s favor, there have been a number of public forums in this race, and there are two more scheduled (WGBH tonight and WCVB Saturday). And politically, it probably makes sense to stick to her carpetbombing of the airwaves instead of giving the others an opportunity to cause her to commit a gaffe.
But for such a low-profile race, I would think even the money leader would want more exposure – especially since the Globe covered the announcement of the debate back in August.
It’s obvious why Goldberg does not want to debate anymore. One only needs to replay the convention video and last Sunday’s debate. Her campaign is full of one thig that is throwing her family’s money on the TV. Her lack and misleading ads are making people begin to notice that she is not ready for this position.
Like it or not but Mayor Murray clearly won this debate. His answers were right on message whether or not you agreed with him. He gave facts and backed them up, unlike Goldberg and Silbert. He showed that being a Mayor (who is elected by the 170,000) citzens that live in Worc, he understands what it is like to work with peole from all different walks of life. He also showed that he can and will ask the tough questions,even if they maybe unpopluar. He will fight for people in neighborhoods when certain CEO’s of nonprofits want to enter in with out sitting downa nd explaining what their causes/treatments are going to be.
Murray, is a straight forward person who has the tools to do this job right now, no on the job training needed.
Hurry, hurry vot for Murray !
How serious can she be? Whatever else, she certainly does not appear very interested in fielding questions about the job she is seeking.