The bottomline line is, no matter how you work it, after 16 years, Kerry Healey is just 4 more years of the same old thing, nothing “New” about it. Just so we’re all on the same page, let’s review the handoffs:
Bill Weld to “Handpicked” Paul Cellucci
Paul Cellucci to “Handpicked” Jane Swift
Jane Swift to Willard “Mitt” Romney
Mitt Romney to “Handpicked” Kerry Healey and
We know what Weld did with his Walruses, they were replaced with Welducci loyalists.
Each succession of Republican Governors has laid in their own layers of walruses until we have gone full circle.
There was once a wise political advisor that said there are only two main themes in campaigns. “Experience Counts” and “Time for a Change”. Typically it was the young new candidate running on “Time for a Change” trying to unseat the incumbant “Experience Counts” candidate.
The problem for Kerry Healey is that Mitt Romney never gave her a real opportunity to gain much experience. It is kind of like the captain of an ocean liner training the second in command by having them down in the bowels of the ship greasing bearings. When it comes time to take over, we might as well be on the Titanic. So after four years in the LG’s office, she’s stuck with trying to run as a “Time for a Change” candidate.
Pathetic when you consider she was hand-picked by Romney four years ago. Ironic because you can make the case that Deval Patrick is both the “Time for a Change” candidate and “Experience Counts” candidate rolled up into one!
After all what do you really expect from a candidate the couldn’t figure out how to tie up
a domain name of a “common misspelling” of her own name www.kerryhealy.com before it was snapped up by an opponent?
Or even worse, her own domain name www.kerryhealey.com belongs to a cybersquatter that she has to pay $$$ to to have her “link” up along with “Mitt Romney for President”, “Resourses for Pardon Applications”, “Destination Travel Guides” and “Orbitz Hotel Deals” among others.
Kerry Healey failed as candidate running for state rep. in Beverly. Handpicked to become a Republican Party hack as executive director of the Republican State Committee, carrying water for Jane Swift. Handpicked by Mitt Romney to become Lt. Governor.
Now her wealthy husband is buying her an office because as sitting Lt. Governor: she couldn’t figure out how raise money; or couldn’t find the supporters to give money; or people that knew her refused to support her; or take your pick of all of the above. What has she ever done on her own?
I have one last question: And she wants us to turn over the keys to the corner office so she and her husband can run the state of Massachusetts???