And Silbert for LG. Here’s the heart of the editorial:
After careful consideration, The Sun believes Chris Gabrieli has the clearest, most decisive plans to improve public education, attract new business, increase local aid, build more affordable housing and eliminate wasteful spending.
Gabrieli would be a strong pro-business governor. If elected, he has promised to invest $1 billion in science and embryonic stem-cell research as well as in other cutting-edge industries. These are the businesses that will provide our residents with high-paying jobs in the future.
The Sun has kind words for all the candidates for both offices.
Please share widely!
Do not expect any further responses to this post. The Devalistas are going to ignore you. Don’t you get it? Deval very good, Gabs very bad.
Is that this was already posted in another thread by southshoreguy and comment on there. The same info does not need to be commented on twice. Some snarky comments, but comments none the less.
and the reason why that southshoreguy’s posting also got few responses was?
My bad Southshoreguy and BMG.