From Tristan Snell, fearless leader of Boston’s new chapter of Drinking Liberally:
Dear friends–
I’m a frequent reader of Blue Mass Group and one of the leaders for the new Boston chapter of Drinking Liberally, meeting every Wednesday night at Globe Bar & Cafe in Copley Square [565 Boylston @ Dartmouth St. –ed.] from 6-10.
Our first big kickoff event for the fall campaign season is a Candidates Night and Debate Watching Party tonight, featuring visits from Senator Dianne Wilkerson (6:30-7:30), challenger Sonia Chang-Diaz (8:30 on), plus Secretary of State candidate John Bonifaz (7:30-8:30). And we’ll be watching the debate starting at 7.
Given your in-depth coverage of the Wilkerson/Chang-Diaz race, your endorsement of Bonifaz, and your ongoing coverage of the governor’s race, we think that this event is something you and your readers would definitely be interested in.
We also have a new blog. We believe that your readers would be quite interested in our group, which seeks to serve as a common meeting-place for liberals and an open forum for liberal politics and politicians.
I can’t make it since I’ll be at the debate – look for an open thread tonight for all you live-bloggers out there – but this sounds like an excellent way to watch the debate in good company and to meet some interesting candidates.
I’m heading there now? Any other BMG’ergs going? Find me and say hi đŸ™‚
I saw Shai Sachs, and David, there. Not sure if any other BMG regulars were there – of course I don’t remember what you all look like, or even which real person goes with which name here.
What I know I saw were kick-ass stump speeches by John Bonifaz and Sonia Chang-Diaz. I just barely missed Wilkerson’s speech so I don’t know how that was. But wow, if we could get either Bonifaz or Chang-Diaz on TV with those speeches, they’d win over a lot more voters! So let’s hope more voters get to see them in the coming days.