As we’ve been advertising for a while now, John Walsh, Deval Patrick’s campaign manager, is one of the special guests attending Monday night’s Unity Party at Jimmy Tingle’s in Somerville. Full details are here on where, when, tickets, etc.
We just got some more good news from John:
OK if I bring a few friends?
The BMG Unity Party is sparking an interest in my colleagues here at the Patrick/Murray campaign. I’m happy to to tell you that so far Nancy O’Connor Stolberg, our Field Director, Doug Rubin our Senior Consultant, Charles SteelFisher, our New Media Director and Tracey Lewis, the Campaign Manager for Victory ’06 have agreed to join me at this historic celebration. [Scott Ferson, Tim Murray’s spokesman, will also be there. –ed.]
UPDATE (by David): John reports below that Marty Walsh, Ted Kennedy’s campaign manager, will be joining us as well!
I’ve invited all of our combined (Patrick/Murray/Kennedy/V’06) staff to join and I’ll let you know later how many of them are planning to come.
We are also planning to unveil something really exciting at the event. More news on that later.
See you at Jimmy Tingle’s!
John Walsh
Campaign Manager
Deval Patrick for Governor
Still on the fence about whether you can make it tomorrow night? Come on – this should be enough to get you there! The free dinners are gone, but it’s still a great deal: $10 to get in, $10 for outstanding BBQ from Redbones, and a whole lot of really interesting conversation with the people who are changing politics in this state.
Join us!
Next time I’ll make it.
Because I have a department meeting scheduled for 5 tonight, I know I definitely won’t make it back to my living room for the debate. Anyone know of anyplace in the city showing this thing on TV?
and probably will simply watch from the bikes at my gym, but places I have watched debates in the past have included 21st ammendment and the Harp. If anyone can confirm a place by about 4PM today, I will try to join you before heading to Somerville.
I’ll prob try and hit the 21st, sionce its right around the corner.
While flipping channels last night I landed on Fox 25’s news at 10 for a moment when there were talking about the heated exchange between President Clinton and Fox New anchor Chris Wallace. Of unfortunate note, they mentioned Wallace would be tonight’s debate moderator. I expect him to take out some of his hurt feelings from the beating he took from Bill on Deval. Lets hope Grace and Christy go tag team on Healey instead of jumping on Deval. Otherwise this could be a very long night. :/
With any luck Chris Wallace will get a good old fashioned Boston welcome…..
I can’t believe he’s Mike Wallace’s son. He is one sorry excuse for a journalist. Olbermann called Wallace “a monkey posing as a newscaster” tonight on Countdown. His rant was righteous!
Thanks Grace and Christy.
Anyone know when the next debate is going to be?
It’s not a unity party, least in my book, without people from the losing campaigns. So, who’s coming from the Reilly and Gabrieli camps?
Fresh of the Good Ship Lollipop Gabrieli Camp
But have no problem supporting Murray.
I’m going.
in that spot tonight. Count me amongst them.
But it’s all good with Murray.
Yay unity. đŸ™‚
Just one last quick reminder of the Central MA Unity Party in Worcester. See here for details.
Did Jimmy Tingle get the TVs there fixed? I was very frustrated at the last event that I went there, in part, to watch the debate on TV and the TVs were broken.
the debate is 6-7 tonight, and the party doesn’t start ’til 7:30. Come over to Jimmy Tingle’s after your debate party is over!
Anywhere special?
I think I may end up missing it…unless the sushi place has a TV. ;P
Chair my DTC meeting and then haul ass to Suh-mah-ville.
Bob, you said all the good stuff starts at 9:00 PM, right? ‘Kay, you are under orders to not have a good time until I arrive, y’hear? đŸ™‚
Save me a seat, Andy!!!
lightiris – I hope you don’t leave before I get a chance to say hey!
I’m excited about meeting everyone :::bounce-bounce::: <–see!
This unity stuff is good fun. đŸ™‚
I get to see the debate because I don’t have DVR!!
I’ll make you a DVD (hey, fair use, right? g)
Welcome Marty Walsh (no relation unfortunately) the campaign manager for Ted Kennedy, the greatest US Senator in the history of the United States! Marty is a big BMG fan and will be a key component of this effort to bring the Governor’s seat back into the Democratic column.
The excitement is building!
John Walsh
Campaign Manager
Deval Patrick for Governor
Spent the day trying to fashion a way to sling my 180-count, funereal-grey-with-white-roses box of Kleenex over my shoulder like a jaunty pocketbook while out and about in the corridors of academia, but, alas, no luck. I opted instead to tape a white tissue to my sweater above my left breast as an homage to Hester, my own free-form White Letter I for Infectious. Now I sulk.
Give my ticket to some lucky individual who appears, at least, to be free of contaminants, viruses, or incipient signs of the plague. Aaach.
Sorry to hear you were sick, lightiris…We missed you at the Worcester get together as well!