Unlike some commentators here, I thought last nights LG forum was somewhat of a snoozer. They all got there talking points across (although Deb Goldberg has apparently forgotten the name of the business her family startedpolling no doubt says its a negative) and not a lot of conflict.
But Tim Murray must be feeling some heat from Andrea Silbert, because he threw a very awkward verbal roundhouse at her, which will offend the supporters of Deval Patrick and Chris Gabreili. In attacking Silberts outsider experience and work with small businesses, Murray said we elected a candidateMitt Romneyin 2002 who was an outsider with business experience and look how that turned out.
Nice try Tim, but in your attempt to compare Andreawhos work focuses on helping low income women start businessesto Mitt Romneywho specialized in leverage buyouts, you attacked the two front runners in the Democratic Primarytwo outsiders with business experience.
So there you have it folks, in the eyes of Tim Murray we should not be voting for outsiders who have business experience. Plain and simple and that means no to Deval Patrick and Chris Gabrieli.
It’s a stretch to say that Murray meant to attack Patrick and Gabrieli. (Worm’s post here is even more of a stretch, bordering on absurd.)
The only attacking done last night was one-on-one: Murray on Silbert.
He compared Andrea Silbert to Mitt Romney in an attempt to get voters to remember the bad things said about Romney during the 2002 campaign so that they will associate her with him in the voting booth.
The problem is, it won’t work. Andrea Silbert has the kind of corporate record we as Democrats ought to be salivating for. As Deval Patrick has said many, many times: the private economy is where the vast majority of our fellow citizens earn their living every day. And many of those companies would be much, much better places to work if CEOs with Democratic, progressive, worker-oriented mindsets were in charge.
If there were more Andrea Silbert’s leading Massachusetts’ companies, we would be much better off, and Tim Murray knows it.
I also don’t think for a moment that Tim’s advisors encouraged him to go after Silbert in this way. He had to have gotten so ticked off at her statements that she is more qualified that he did this on his own.
It’s one thing to attack her as inexperienced in government, because it is true that she has never held elected office. But to compare her to Mitt Romney? Puh-leeze. When I heard that, I felt like I needed to take a shower.
I hope this will be a one-off event for Murray, because he’s generally a good guy. Hopefully we can get back to the issues that need to be addressed. Silbert’s a Murray’s conversations about homelessness policies and siting of social service agencies, while wonkish, is a real, substantive debate that doesn’t have clear correct answers. More of that from Murray would be good, please.
The attempt to smear Murray with these outrageously misleading headlines on your posts is transparent.
I think you should come up with a better strategy.
this same reply after Wormtown’s post.
Desperate people will do desperate things,even in politicals. Good effort in attempting to lure Mayor Murray into this fray.
Anyone who watched the debate heard and understood what Mayor Murray was saying. I guess when your behind you better try something.
Murray has always called Romney a “outsider”who can’t even tell you many of the Rep’s and Senators names in this state. Murray has also said that Andrea position as a manager of a nonprofit should not be the sole reason someone gets elected to the LG office. What other public service has she had? It’s great she wants more jobs, how is going to pay for them? Where does the cutting or adding come from to implement them ? It’s alot easier when you have other peoples money i.e. taxpayers money from her start business. Again good try though, A, for effort.
Hurry,hurry, vote for Murray !