Later today the Shrub will sign into law another bill designed to further erode our Nations’ civil liberties and enhance the ability of our federal govenment to mislead and terrorize its own citizens. This one essentially eliminates the Great Writ – which allows those grabbed from their homes and off the streets to go into an impartial Court and force the goverment to justify holding a citizen against her will without showing probable cause that she has committed is about to commit a crime.
This weekend Bob Woodward’s revelations will finally come forth, showing that the Bush administration has been lying to the American public about the sad state of the War in Iraq – the bottom line being essentially that we are loosing this war and the Iraqis and most of the Muslim World hate us. Sorry about the bluntness but spaced is limited here and our Republic is in serious danger so we must make our points when we can.
The Partiot Act (a misnomer from the world of deception and Double Speak) allows the government to check up on what you are reading in your local library – I guess the reasoning is to deprive us of our liberties in order to protect our liberties. Of course, your phone converstaions have been and may still be being listened into by a federal agent or two.
This and probably much worse has been the Bush administration’s response to one of most horrific crimes in modern times. Instead of going after a group of thugs and mass murderers, the Bushies have chosen to join them and use the fright of an horrific crime to militarily expand, by force, global capitalist interests.
Frankly, its not new that our goverment would circumvent the law in times of “national emergency” – Lincoln and Roosevelt did it – and Jackson even advocated it. However, in the past such expansions of Executive governmental power has generally been to advance the interests of the Nation as a whole society (however misguided) – but here the Bush administration is advancing the interests of global corporations in search of new markets to make more and more money for fewer and fewer individuals. As a tobacco lobbyist once said of this administration “…the access is unbelievable!”).
Noteworthy is the lack of resistance to this unlawful War. Where was the press when we were lied to about weapons of mass destruction and illusionary connections between Al Qaeda and Saddam? Where is the press now as we are being lied to about the status and real danger, or lack of it, with regard to Iran’s nuclear program? Do we have Congressmen speaking up to and exposing this adminstration as Congressman Welch so famously did to Sen. McCarthy the last time we were clearly lied to by an enemy of liberty? Over 23,000 of our youth have been injured or killed so far in Iraq and Afganhastan – with that number growing rapidly. And Bush has never gone to one funeral – thats because he doesn’t want to bring atention to what price we are paying and will long pay for this collossal moral and foreign policy failure. No protesters on the streets either – thats because there is no draft yet…its too bad that it would take the draft to bring out the protesters in large numbers. However, in the end, we the people have to take responsibilty for letting this administration erode our Democracy. Rememeber, we the people founded our Democracy.
Sort of reminds me of the Holocost memorial near Fanuiel Hall. It goes something like:
” They came first for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.”