Today, Tim won. Tomorrow, he works toward a Patrick/Murray win in November. To hear both speeches, Tim’s in Worcester and Patrick’s in Boston, may give a complete picture into the Democratic strategy in November. Having heard both, I find it hard to believe that it is a combination that can be beat in November.
The Murray field operation was impressive, and as accurate information came early, allowed Tim to address his supporters in Worcester, and make the drive with Congressman McGovern to Boston for the Patrick victory celebration.
Just got home, but wanted to thank everyone who posts here, especially Murray, Goldberg, and Silbert supporters, who have made the Lt Gov debate relevant and lively.
Scott Ferson
Murray Campaign
WBUR spoke with Tim Murray by mobile phone and he said he was on his way to Patrick headquarters for the victory speech. However, neither he nor Tom Reilly were up on stage with Patrick and Gabrieli. Did one or both not make it there in time?
Tim and his wife Tammy were there, made it just at 11 and joined the crowd on stage. After his impressive speech, Tim was announced and joined him in the usual victory, “raised hands” bit. Nice photo
I of course meant Patrick’s impressive speech. Tim gave his own in Worcester, and personally, I think taken together, make a pretty nice message.