Deval Patrick’s third TV ad will start running tomorrow, and it’s available on today. You can see it at this link (it doesn’t seem to be on YouTube yet).
This one’s all Deval. Good idea.
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
I got the chills that I usually get when I hear him speak. People need to see that. The first two adds kind of burried that aspect of his personality and campaign this one brings it to life. I wonder if the media constulants have started to listen to us here a BMG. Seems to be just what we were asking for when the first two came out.
But critics will still hammer him for being light on specifics.
But realistically, you can’t say crap about “specifics” in a 30-second ad. Anyone who wants specifics should go to the websites and compare. Hard for me to see that as a serious complaint at this point.
… inevitable comparisons between Gabs’s ads and Deval’s. Although do you think Deval is perhaps ceding the “issues” to Gabs? I mean the talking points seem to be pretty similar, really.
I guess the plan might be that Deval makes it through the primary on the “hope” theme, and then rolls out “issues” in a head-to-head against Healey leading up to the general. Seems dangerous with as many undecideds as there supposedly are.
I guess I have to trust that DP’s people know what they’re doing….
I don’t think Deval is “ceding” anything to Gabrieli. Deval Patrick came out with issue papers long before the governor’s race was even a twinkle in Gabrieli’s eyes.
The difference here is Deval hasn’t been saturating the airwaves and stuffing mailboxes full of mailers that talk about issues that our campaign has been talking about for over a year. We have a field strategy. We talk to people one-on-one. For all the money that’s been thrown at this race, I don’t think Gabrieli has gotten much for his 7 million (and climbing) dollars.
The talking points seem similar? Yeah, no kidding, but it’s not Deval Patrick who’s been copying someone else’s homework.
Deval still has more on the issues than any of the other candidates, and has been out front with comprehensive position papers on his website.
My conern is for those who have only recently tuned into the Governor’s race, who will associate Gabs with issues like Cape Wind, ed reform, etc., if only because he’s hit the airwaves “early and often.”
As noted in my addendum below, however, I think this latest DP ad does strike a good balance between highlighting his stance on key issues — and knocking some of the wind out of Gabs’ sails by basically saying, “I was waaay ahead of you there, buddy!” — while hitting the core of what, imho, sets Deval head and shoulders ahead of the field: As the tagline says, “Vision. Courage. Change.”
I think we posted within a few seconds of each other the first time.
So, no, I agree with you. đŸ™‚
The press snippets do a decent job of putting some key issues into proper perspective. Sure, Gabs may be the guy talking them up now, but Deval was out in front on these issues well before Gabs even thought about running.
Not perfect, but damn well done!
Also great new slogan: Vision. Courage. Change. That is Deval’s campaign in a nutshell.
“For-us-all” Deval is his own best advocate. I did like the clear support of Senator Obama in the background. Thanks, Barack!
Senator Obana
That’s it
This is the ad I wanted from Deval. It shows his personality and the excitement. Now, I think the next ad should hit a specific issue head on.
But about the hope thing… maybe I’m a negative nelly, but I don’t have a lot of hope. I’m only 23 so I haven’t had a lot of voting experience, but every person I have ever voted for has lost. It is difficult to have hope that this election won’t be bought by the rich guy, just like it is difficult to have hope that our next election won’t be stolen for the third time in a row.
I just can’t get myself all psyched up and hopeful only to be let down again. I’ll be hopeful once Deval wins the primary, but until then all this “hope” talk just goes right through me.
I don’t expect anyone to believe this, but since they put up and the first ads, I’ve been thinking: “God, why don’t they just put up the last 30 seconds of the Deval/Obama speech?” And that’s what they did.
Move a-side, and let the man go through — let the man go through …
either Gabrieli or Reilly running an ad like this.
You know why? Because they couldn’t.
They’re both decent guys with a strong desire to be public servants. Major props to them both for that. But they are not charismatic, inspirational leaders.
We know this quality. Sometimes our candidates have had it — Clinton, RFK. Sometimes theirs have — Reagan.
Sure, you can win without it — Dukakis comes to mind. But when he won three races for governor he was running against opponents who didn’t have it either.
More of this — in the ads, in the debates, and on the stump down the stretch — is how Deval wins.
Granted I am a Gabrieli supporter. I for one find Gabrieli very inspiring whereas I am not impressed with Patrick. I respect the fact that Chris is a straight shooter, honest and tells it as it is, and points to specific results.
Gabrbieli wouldn’t run such a (statistically) weak ad at this point in the campaign. It may be Patrick’s next step in interfacing with voters, but his campaign path seems different than Gabrieli’s. I went to a Town Hall meeting last week for Chris.
The point I came away with is that whatever issue you have, when you ask Chris about it, he’ll have a specific response for you. You may like it, you may not, but you know what you’re getting.
Gabrieli HAS provided results without having been elected. I find that impressive. He lead the lobby on becon hill to override Mitt’s veto of stem cell research. Patrick’s ad claims he was first on the issue? What’s he done so far to get it though? As any “politician”, I feel he’ll say it and see what happens if he gets elected. Great Patrick has worked his way up and became a lawyer <> and he has a lot of money perhaps, but what has he DONE for the people of Massachusetts? All people?
Gabrieli’s first error is starting the race late. He’s overcoming that obstacle by a) getting on the ballot on the convention b) Building a bigger and better associate of hard working volunteers c) Getting his message out, in one word: results.
In closing, I’ve heard more than one person say they are voting for Chris, because when they’ve asked him about an issue, “He listened”. He knows he doesn’t know everything, and has no qualms listening to those who have information that will help him make a decision. He’s also running for the right reason. He doesn’t need to be governor, but wants to give back to Massachusetts.
Just got to watch the ad with sound, and…Wow. THAT’S my candidate, and THAT’S precisely what got me to support him in the first place. THAT is precisely how you motivate someone passively watching a TV ad to do more than just vaguely remember your name when they are pulling levers in the voting booth.
because I just want to put up my gut reaction cold.
Wow. That was phenomenal. Absolutely terrific. Everything is right–the framing of the shots (Obama), the excitement of the crowd, the passion in his speech, the campaign points, the punctuating music, and the graphic text at the end.
Are these fawning posts an attempt at collective parody? If not, you are scaring me.
The unanimity of these postings remind me of the Borg.
The unanimity of these postings remind me of the Borg.
The unanimity of these postings remind me of the Borg.
I also get the image of Ryan in his Dr. Dentons, sitting by his computer in his room with a Tiger Beat poster on the wall bearing an image of Deval Patrick as teen idol. He has a Deval lunchbox and Deval underoos.
Don’t get me wrong, the commercial sounds and looks great. However, it is the second commercial featuring Obama and it really says nothing at all except that Deval is a great speaker. You all can’t be serious about this adoration.
Do you think mocking people is, like, cool or something?
Isn’t your byline about Cheney knocking him? So the rule is that you can be funny but I cannot? So what if I think the tenor of this string to be funny. Is this blog just one big “I love Deval” support group? All the breathless hosannas from you DP sycophants really make me wonder if BMG is controlling your brain waves from some remote lab. I can see David, maniacally laughing as the static electricity surges through some giant Van de Graf generator arcing to numerous diodes and cathodes. I see Charley in a lab coat scurrying about checking gauges while Bob rubs his hands together in gleeful anticipation. “Master,” they chant in unison, “the mind control device is completely operational!!”
Never mind. Carry on.
I appreciate you letting me stand down. I assume you got permission from on high.
Just an expression. Why so hostile?
Don’t go projecting your hostility on me, Iris. Indepedent thinking is not bad. We don’t all have to think alike. I love how all the DP toadies gave my little posting a zero. You are all good soldiers.
That’s a toadie for you. Giving zero’s to those “independent” thinkers. Count me in the toadie club cause it’s mighty fine company far as I can tell.
than you could ever have imagined!
is futile. đŸ˜‰
I know you are right but I just can’t make myself succumb. All that watching of James Tiberius Kirk and Jean Luc Piccard has planted something deep inside me that helps me to carry on.
Bad hair day. And looks like I cut myself shaving, there.
He knows about the lab.
“Don’t get me wrong, the commercial sounds and looks great.”
The unanimity of these postings remind me of the Borg.
I forgot to get my Deval lunchbox.
In a moment of introspection I thought that I would check out your rankings to see if my thoughts of persecution from the DP Politburo were legitimate. Thank you for being so transparent.
The bar is high. You don’t make the grade.
Dear Iris:
A look at your profilebelies this assertion. You are apparently a Boolean thinker. Like the animals in Animal Farm it is either pro Deval 6 or not pro Deval 0. You are doing a wonderful job demonstrating your bias. I am an unenrolled voter searching for a Democrat worthy of my vote. I would probably respond better to come hither glances than your scowling tsk tsks.
Despite your censure and your unreasonable grading system I am still open to voting for God, I mean Deval Patrick.
you might be better served by independently investigating each of the candidates based on their views and proposals versus antagonizing and insulting people who’ve already made up their minds on a political blog. The time you’ve spent focusing on me, for example, is bizarre, candidly. Really, stop worrying about me, or, as the case may be, exposing my “Boolean” thinking, my bias, etc. Who cares (besides you) what my “profile” reveals. Are you serious? This is a freakin’ blog, meaningless in the big picture of life. Yet you seem to have come off the spool over a comment questioning why you felt the need to be so critical. What’s up with that?
You really are projecting all of your negative traits upon me. It really is funny, you spend your time giving me zeroes and I am obsessed with you?