The interesting question is: since that wasn’t a “political ad” does the Dukakis campaign watchdog committee have jurisdiction?
And even more interesting, is AG Tom Reilly going to listen to anyone regarding how to run his campaign?
Somehow I don’t think this is the end of the story…
Please share widely!
Phil Johnston is the lamest of the lame…what’s wrong with the Democratic Party? Phil is the face on that poster…the buck stops there.
He “represented” us on the WBZ Sullivan talk show last week…it was embarrassing to listen…the nasal whining creeping over the airwaves…
When this election is over, win or lose the corner office, it’s time to do some cleaning house for the Democrats…and it won’t be easy as the Phil-Teddy-Duke crowd of aging and ever-stridently superior sycophants will try to keep him in spite of his cluelessness.
Dr. Suess knew Phil. “Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Know” has a message for him.