Pony up for Deval and Tim to change the political culture of Massachusetts. Be a part of it now, so you can be a part of it starting January ’07.
Folks, the end of the fundraising quarter is tomorrow. Why does this artificial deadline matter? Because the bucks that Patrick raises now attract more bucks. Such is politics. And please don’t be lulled into complacency by the polls: Kerry Healey’s going to spend $15 million, and that will indeed affect the race signficantly. If you’re thinking that the early leads will hold up as if by magic … ain’t gonna happen. This is a scrap.
Anyway, we’re still $960 away from our scientific totally made-up goal of $2000. Now, it’s true I raised it from $1000 since I was told by several commenters in no uncertain terms that that was way too low. And they were right.
And I should add that a number of commenters have pledged new gifts clamoring for a version of Heather Small’s “Proud”, performed by the BMG editors. We’re up to $300 — I’m gonna hold out for $500. I may throw in some dance moves … and I am the William Hung of dance, my friends.
So anyway, by request from lightiris, here’s some new content: “Lightning Strikes” by Klaus Nomi. Don’t know anything about it … let’s find out!
Jiminy Christmas, that’s awful. Don’t you see how we’re suffering? Make it stop! Give it up for Deval and Tim!
Klaus is a klassic. Thank you thank you, and I will pony up after finishing this comment.
P.S. I got more where that came from if you’re so inclined….lol.
OK, enough already. We are now at $2006. I still want to see Charley sing AND dance.