Deval had scored and won big, on a wave of astounding G-O-T-V,
And sure he won in Gloucester, Northampton most every liberal town,
In those places hed his vote totals up about where wed expected them to be.
But to capture the lead in Springfield, Quincy, almost carry Watertown?
To win every single danged county, from the mountains to sea,
Turning those insider machine guys inside out and upside down?
Your correspondent is a “results guy” and cant argue with this,
A brilliant victory in all corners of the state, a wave of energy on Primary day,
And certainly its true my boy Tom Reilly Ill truly miss,
And Im glad to have voted for him, and always will come what may.
And its gladdening to see the class that night displayed by Big Chris,
Conceding to Deval while firing on Healey jumping right into the fray.
But Devals the man now. He carries our standard through to the next ballot test,
Hes joined by Tim Murray, mayor of Wista and our choice for number two
And Bill Galvins here (sorry Bonifaz fans we all know you tried your best),
Coakley and another Tim are on the ticket this fall a nice mix of old and new.
But unitys the key word “first you fall in love” … and Im sure you know the rest
As Clinton did say, “then you fall in line” its sad and tough, but true.
But as some would-be heroes exit stage left, were pleased that new ones appear,
And one limbered into the spotlight the other night at the debate.
While many of us had settled in with our remote and our beer,
To see how Healey would attack Deval straight out of the gate.
But the conversation was dominated, ruled, by a man with no fear
These castigating, accusing, expounding his points oh, it twas great!
Mihos whereve ya been? You were like Stallone in an early Rocky
“People died, Kerry!” you bellowed, scant inches from her face,
You kept her from getting horribly arrogant and cocky,
Drawing her attention away from Deval and from Grace.
It was excellent! It was awesome! Who knew this ex-corporate jocky
Would say what Deval wanted but couldnt injecting those issues into the race.
Shes run crying to the media now “I didnt like it! I want a one-on-one!”
“I shouldnt have to defend my record, I have attacks I want to use!”
Forget it Kerry, people already think its over, and your sad campaign is done.
Theyre laughing at you and your demands even on Fox! On their news!
Maybe your fit will get you what you want, but it wont be any fun,
To sit there and have Deval outshine you cause any debate, any format youll lose.
Will Kerry get what she wants? Will Mihos keep swinging away?
Will anyone know who Mr. Chase is before this Election Day?
So many questions to be answered on our next poemitics post at BMG
(By the way editors, great event at Tingles good to meet you, stomv)
So Im signing out now, but as a last gasp Ill throw something else into the mix.
Though I hate to say, its only true this weekend, Im saying the Bengals by six.
Here’s my take on Healey’s “50 Solutions”, with apologies to Paul Simon:
She said they need to let me get my message out
Let me tell them I’m a leader, she demanded with a pout
I’ll have Romney say it louder, so there isn’t any doubt
There must be fifty ways to change the State House
She said it’s really not my style to compromise
In the words of Kipling, neither “look too good nor talk too wise”
But I’ll repeat myself, in all the ads my money buys
There must be fifty ways to change the State House
Fifty ways to change the State House
You play king of the Hill, Bill
Scream at ’em all, Paul
Just be a pain, Jane
Day after day
Don’t budge a bit, Mitt
Don’t need to admit it
Just pass the blame on, Sean
And slither away
She has a slogan for her followers to chant
It seems “No Leader” wasn’t working, so it’s now “Alone I Can’t”
She peeked out from Romney’s shadow, then she started up her rant
About the fifty ways
She said the senate needs to be Republican
Or if you change the Constititution I can surely get it done
Just four more years and maybe I can get to one
Among the fifty ways to change the State House
Fifty ways to change the State House
p> – Dan