Did anyone see the new Christy Mihos ad on televison last night?
I admit to turning on Channel 4 news to enjoy the report on the new poll that puts Patrick ahead of Kerry Murphy Healey by 39 points.
But that got bumped to second place, when they showed the new Christy Mihos ad. It’s a cartoon. An animated Christy asks a character marked Bechtel about the Big Dig overruns. The character sticks his head up his ass. Same for a flock of politicians, including one blonde female that Jack Williams remarked “looks a lot like Kerry Healey.”
Meanwhile, Kerry Healey had a traditional attack ad on the news – lame by comparison.
I was surprised this hasn’t made it into the Blogosphere, the morning papers, or YouTube.
theopensociety says
I went to the Mihos website to see if the ad was posted on it yet (it’s not) and discovered that Christy has a live camera aimed at the front of the State House. (The sound is on too which may be a violation of state law.) It would be a scream if a group of Deval Patrick supporters stood in front of the State House with a big Deval Patrick sign facing the camera.