Kerry has to hit Deval with a crazy (meaning liberal)past statement he made and then ask him to defend it. Howie got the ball rolling yesterday. But I am sure there are many others.
Do you think there will be much pressure on the Red Sox to open next season with a bang?
Of Course not. A 15 and 35 April and May won’t matter. Everybody loves the Red Sox. No matter what. Right?
But Larry Lucchino is in a win/win position. He gets to blame Theo if they lose and send him packing. Which he’s entitled to do. After all he did create him.
I loved the visual of Deval’s latest ad. Sitting in the hotel suite after the victory party. Very slick. (a mirror laid out with white powder and a blade on it would have been a nice touch.) It made it tough for me to listen to Deval say absolutely nothing.
Christy better be entertaining tonight. It’s his job. Or else he doesn’t get a call back.
Chris Wallace should ask each candidate how much cash they have on them. How much is in Deval and Christy’s pockets, and what’s in Kerry and green machine’s purses. Fair question. Don’t you think?
And ask Christy what porn mag is his biggest seller? Ernie’s curious, alright.
I’ll vote for Christy if he asks Chris Wallace where he learned to talk like that.
So knuckles O’Flaherty pointed out that many moderate Dems out there perceive Deval as too liberal and may not vote for him. And if Deval does not reach them he may have a problem.
Well, he can’t talk like that. Blaspheme.
I hear South Park is going to follow-up on their Mormon and Scientology episodes with a final in the trilogy about the Devalites and the Mass State Party.
I’ll say it again. How about Bob Kraft making much moolah and winning Super Bowls in his privately financed stadium? Let me hear an Amen for BMG’s hero, Tom Finneran. AMEN!
I hope some day they will invent heavy duty portable fencing that can be placed along the Esplanade/Storrow Drive during Hatch Shell events so they won’t have to use automobiles and close a lane. We can only dream that science and technology could come up with something so radical. Maybe in our grandchildren’s lives?
Where does Christy get his hair cut?
I liked Deval’s yute photo in his ad. Straight out of Mr. Dixon’s history class at Walt Whitman High.
The greatest hack job of all time is being on the MassPort fire department. Hands down
Not counting UMASS professor
Just think. If Deval wins, in 30 years there will way too many pretentious, self-indulgent, old guys with pony tails reminiscing about the glory days of Devals first campaign. Instant credibility because they were here. Sort of like that Bobby Kennedy shit. Claiming to at the Last Supper and reminding people of it every day.(I ran Marlboro for Deval. We had such hope.)
Praise Be Deval
Go In Peace