It would be fun to watch Gabs have multiple tantrums when Kerry Healy tweaks him everyday.
BMG really should start a PAC. Then you could go to fundraisers for all types of candidates. Don’t just donate to the left. Give money to all different types. Go to fundraisers. See who is there. Be a pain in the ass to the candidates you don’t like. You would be surprised the fun you could have at their expense for $100.
And Charley should go to law school. All in favor of Charley applying to Suffolk or New England Law nights say “Aye”.
When will we see a letter circulating among the liberals in the Mass Legislature demanding the Pope resign because of his anti-Muslim statements?
I like Deval’s “team” approach to merit pay for teachers. Of course to make it work you let the coach and GM make the team. Right Deval? Fire incompetent teachers and promote the able ones. Create a real “team”. Right Deval? Deval? Are you there Deval?
What more is there to be said about Tom Reilly that hasn’t been said? That is why he still has a chance.
Gabs will have a weak field organization tomorrow. He just doesn’t have the bodies. And he is paying for most of the ones he does have. Of course Deval will have the best. And I think Reilly’s is re-energized and thinks they have a chance. Therefore, they do.
Why didn’t Gab’s parents come over from the old country and open an Italian restaurant like every other Albanian? Preferably in Manhattan. That was their first mistake. A medical software company? Who gets off the boat at Ellis Island and says in broken English, “time to write code”? (Now that’s an ethnic joke, Charley)
Sixteen years is way too long for anyone, especially Tom Menino, to be mayor.
Maura Hennigan wins the Suffolk County Clerk of Courts race. Sympathy vote. (“Oh, this will be nice for Maura”)
OK, I might as well say it now. Reed Hillman, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
I think too many people don’t know who they will vote for and probably won’t know until they actually vote. Big undecided and soft committed.
And polls can’t be edited. If you are tossed up between all three, well, life is not fair.
Are you connected to all those car ads on TV? Just when I thought I would escape them, watching PBS Kids with my kids, along comes Ernie Boch Jr. buying up that air time with him and his young kids under the banner “a moment with Ernie Boch Jr.”, which left me wondering, ‘am I in hell or just purgatory’?
I’m curious are you in that clan? If so, what’s your take on the quality of all the Ernie Boch TV airtime, and how’s the view from the mansion on the Vineyard? Thanks.
want to screw up my inheritance and ‘brand name’. Get it? brand name.
Unfortunately no relation, but that does not mean that Boch Auto Sales should not be advertising with BMG.
the original Ernie Boch, who was the single most ubiquitous and annoying advertiser on Boston TV during my youth in the 60’s and 70’s. I suspect that our Ernie is not too young to remember the original.
from his grandfather.
…that you were Amish.
did you get those buggy fuzzy dice at ellis the rim man?
He wandered the State House in the ’02 session, to fight a bill haing to do with dealerships and distributors which would have applied to…well, really, just him. It was a vendetta that a rival got a rep to file, and the Man Himself came to visit us all to ask that it not pass. It was like meeting Rex Trailer in person!
Ernie, me boyo, I shan’t be voting for any of your choices…my pillow is furrowed trying to decide between Ken Chase and Kevin Scott. I need my sleep to arrange more campaign events for Reed….
peter p, care to handicap they healey vs. patrick race, particularly how it’s similar/dissimilar to any of the last 4 Gov races?
If that’s the lineup, then Massachusetts will elect either its first Woman or first Black to the Governorship. Can’t get more ‘dissimilar’ than that!
(Yes, I know about Jane Swift, but everybody keeps calling her ‘Acting’ Governor – this will be the first election in her own right).
If you like this post please “recommend” it. Otherwise it will be lost to obscurity in about 3 hours. I am slowly figuring this place out. All the moon bats recommend anything praising Deval. And there seem to be a lot of diaries lately so you move down the list fast.
Thanks, as always, for your amusing polls. Recommended, per your request.
Liked the poll but your “stream of consciousness” diary just confused me đŸ™‚
p>Since you brought it up, Ernie…
p>So the pope makes some statement quoting some guy from six hundred years ago to the effect that Islam is violent.
So then all across the world Muslims (yeah, I know its only a minority of the world’s 1 billion Muslims)are so incensed and offended by the pope’s remarks that they react with violence?
Instead of saying “See, that’s what I was talking about,” he apologizes? Jeez, and I thought this guy was a conservative….
< snark >What ever happend to the good old days, when we had popes like Urban II?< /snark >
He knew how to have a good time
Good gravy. You really hate me, Ernie. Now I know for sure.
Check [this out, http://www.kaptest.c…},Charley.