Fueled perhaps by the post-debate frenzy, yesterday was the biggest day we’ve ever had at BMG: a record 4,024 unique visitors stopped by, and they viewed a record 16,115 pages.
I think it shows that interest is way up and maybe that will translate into higher turnout than Mr. Galvin is projecting. As a Gabrieli backer, I certainly hope so!
By the way, Mr. Galvin is the same guy who underestimated the turnout for the 2002 Republican primary by over 40% (he projected 175K, & it was actually about 250K).
how does your traffic compare to other soap blox sites, like my left nutmeg?
and how does your upward trend compare to that of others?
here it seems like 50% deval, 30% gabrieli, and MaverickDem (we love you dude), and peter p, gary, ebiii, etc.
but there it seems 98% lamont and 2% lieberman (this includes before the primary).
i just wondered if the mix leads to more or less traffic.
that we get as much traffic as any soapblox, and more than most – with the exception of My Left Nutmeg in the days leading up to the Lieberman/Lamont primary, when those guys were off the charts. Here’s their traffic report. At the moment, since they’re in a slower phase and we’re heading into the big primary, we seem to have more traffic than they do.
As I understand it, Myleftnutmeg was all about getting Ned Lamont into the limelight, which was an important thing to do. The purpose of the blog was to be an external voice to augment the campaign.
While BMG Editors have endorsed Deval Patrick, this blog seems to have the added purpose of being a virtual community open to all who are interested in Massachusetts politics.
Especially in Massachusetts. That is why we seek a broad spectrum of discussion and a useful debate on all issues. Echo chambers are not likely, in our view, to lead to substantive change. We want to develop new ideas and new candidates that can fundamentally improve government in this state and across the country (then the world, then the universe … then ultimate power will be within our grasp …).
I think it shows that interest is way up and maybe that will translate into higher turnout than Mr. Galvin is projecting. As a Gabrieli backer, I certainly hope so!
By the way, Mr. Galvin is the same guy who underestimated the turnout for the 2002 Republican primary by over 40% (he projected 175K, & it was actually about 250K).
how does your traffic compare to other soap blox sites, like my left nutmeg?
and how does your upward trend compare to that of others?
here it seems like 50% deval, 30% gabrieli, and MaverickDem (we love you dude), and peter p, gary, ebiii, etc.
but there it seems 98% lamont and 2% lieberman (this includes before the primary).
i just wondered if the mix leads to more or less traffic.
that we get as much traffic as any soapblox, and more than most – with the exception of My Left Nutmeg in the days leading up to the Lieberman/Lamont primary, when those guys were off the charts. Here’s their traffic report. At the moment, since they’re in a slower phase and we’re heading into the big primary, we seem to have more traffic than they do.
As I understand it, Myleftnutmeg was all about getting Ned Lamont into the limelight, which was an important thing to do. The purpose of the blog was to be an external voice to augment the campaign.
While BMG Editors have endorsed Deval Patrick, this blog seems to have the added purpose of being a virtual community open to all who are interested in Massachusetts politics.
Especially in Massachusetts. That is why we seek a broad spectrum of discussion and a useful debate on all issues. Echo chambers are not likely, in our view, to lead to substantive change. We want to develop new ideas and new candidates that can fundamentally improve government in this state and across the country (then the world, then the universe … then ultimate power will be within our grasp …).