The SJC deadline for Benjamin LaGuer’s pro bono attorney James C. Rehnquist to file his brief is this Monday. I will post it to the BenLaGuer web site as soon as it is public and I can get ahold of a copy.
In the meantime, reports and opinions from DNA and criminal justice experts keep coming in to State Representative Ellen Story, who has solicited outside evaluations of the case.
The latest, which came in this week, is from Hans Sherrer, the president of the Seattle based Justice Institute and publisher of the magazine Justice Denied.
The conclusion of his scathing seven-page report (which can be read in full at is:
“After reviewing a cross-section of the factors involved in Benjamin LaGuers case, the most reasonable conclusion is his conviction was not merely a tragic error by an imperfect system, but it was a grave and avoidable miscarriage of justice.”
Assistant district attorney Sandra L. Hautanen, for the Commonwealth, will have until October 11 to respond to Rehnquist’s brief.
I had a chance to read the seven-page report Hans Sherrer sent to Rep. Ellen story more carefully. It is remarkable for his willingness to publicly take prosecutors to task. This paragraph is especially worth reading.
Sherrer is putting LaGuer’s case in the context of larger issues that all who value justice must take seriously. As mentioned in my original post, the entire report is posted to