Just saw clips of Tom Reilly’s newest ads on NECN (they don’t seem to be posted on his website yet). And with two weeks to go, the claws have most definitely come out. Rowr!!
They didn’t show the whole ads, but the first one appears to be about the income tax, and it chastises Chris Gabrieli and Deval Patrick for being millionaires who, consequently, don’t understand how important the tax rollback is for Folks Like Us.
The second says Gabs and Patrick should release their tax returns.
From what I saw, these are honest-to-goodness attack ads – the first is marginally related to policy but is really about playing the class warfare card (they’re millionaires who don’t get it; I’m a Regular Joe like you), the second is about nothing that actually matters. It’ll be interesting to see whether the much-feared Johnston-Kerry-Dukakis Commission springs into action!
Meanwhile, Thursday’s debate is looking more and more interesting.
ryepower12 says
We have 2 candidates who have gone negative – and neither of them is named Deval Patrick.
That’s my guy!
ryepower12 says
would you rather me have written an encyclopedia entry?
(comment ratings are stupid).
coastal-dem says
Would probably be more fact based and less emotional. But keep up the good work! I guess in life progress should be the goal not perfection.
Practice makes perfect.
soopadoopa44 says
…Boston Herald today.
Deval was the first candidate to take negative, personal swipes at Gabs and Reilly.
Read the Herald. In order to see what’s going on.
I hear the Herald’s been giving out copies for free.
stomv says
I hear the Herald’s been giving out copies for free.
No sense charging any more than a fair price.
david says
I’m talking about negative ads. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.
herakles says
I was watching am television yesterday and heard DP call Gabs tacky for using his own fortune on his campaign. His voice reminded me of Steve Erkle, little on the squeaky side, little on the nerdy side. He is using the voice black comics use when mimicking the square white guy.
BTW, David, did you put any of your vast fortune into that comment? If so, I find that to be tacky.
david says
susan-m says
Normally I would rate this type of comment a zero, but I wouldn’t want it to disappear.
If you want to advocate for your candidate, then by all means do so, but this type of childish personal attack only makes your candidate’s supporters look like knuckleheads.
And by the way it’s U-r-k-e-l. If you’re going to go ad hominem, then at least spell the g-ddamn name right.
Tacky, indeed.
herakles says
I support no candidate. I have no horse in this race. I am trying to keep an open mind, something quite rare with you Deval suckups. But when someone says Reilly is the first to go negative I have to laugh. He does sound like Erkel though.
alexwill says
Reilly’s been going negative continuaously since at least April.
herakles says
Negative Sourpuss And I mean it
southshoreguy says
Certainly call for desperate measures. Reilly may not be done, but this is indicative that he knows what we all suspected and/or knew. He’s in third place and needs to change the equation. As a Gabrieli supporter, I cannot say that I disagree with Reilly’s move. What I find curious is the topic – taxes. A lot of us figured that he would fire the “I am the only one in the democratic race who is calling for an immediate roll-back to 5%” shot. Not surprising and it may actually help him a little. The other one though is an old strategy that never seems to gain much traction (e.g. they are following the law and have disclosed what is required, but I want more! What are they hiding?). What is really curious about this strategy/topic coming from Reilly’s camp is this:
Reilly is focusing attention on two candidates who actually filed tax returns, but will not release them to the public. On the other hand, this is the same guy who earlier this year was willing to run with a woman on his ticket who did not pay her taxes. Brilliant!
By the way, the press dropped the ball on another matter last week. When Reilly went dark on TV for three days last weekend, this should have been a story and he should have been asked at least four or five questions.
1) Why go dark for three days now as opposed to the height of summer?
2) Are your funds drying up?
3) Did someone incorrectly project cash flow through to the 19th?
4) Or are you hoarding/reallocating money to go negative and if so, is this indicative that your campaign may be in trouble?
The key now will be if, how, where, and when Patrick and/or Gabrieli respond/fire back.
PS Hey Ryepower12, hate to tell you this, but Deval went a little negative prior to the convention and started making pointed comments about his opponents a few weeks ago. To date, Gabrieli has been by far the most positive and specific of the three candidates in the democratic primary.
melrose-dem says
Considering that Reilly has just over $312K in the bank (OCPF Reports), I suspect he thought it was better to go dark last weekend rather than Sept 16-18th. It is almost sad to see Reilly go out like this.
maverickdem says
but I’m pretty sure I can tie up this loose end:
In the case of the first ad, the JKD Commission is hardly in a position to sanction Tom Reilly for a comparative ad (on the very same issue that Gabrieli has already run a comparative ad) that steers toward one of his messages: he’s the most regular guy in the race. (Is it in dispute that the other two candidates are not millionares?)
In the case of the second ad re: income tax disclosure, Phil Jonston would presumbaly disagree with David’s assertion that it “is about nothing that actually matters.” In fact, he has already given Tom Reilly’s position his blessing:
and this. . .
So there you have it.