Here’s the text of the letter, on letterhead:
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Executive Department
State House Boston 02133
(617) 725-4000
KERRY HEALEY Lieutenant Governor
September 2006
Congratulations! You are a recipient of the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship.; The Adams Scholarship offers four years of free tuition to full-time students attending any University of Massachusetts campus, or any participating state or community college, beginning with the fall 2007 semester. Please note that this award is for tuition only; college fees and room and board are not included.
We created this merit scholarship program to reward your hard work and achievement. Your outstanding MCAS results have qualified you to receive this award. With the support of the Board of Higher Education, the class of 2007 is now the third class to be awarded this opportunity. It is the strongest expression we can make of our committment to attracting students like you – the best and brightest in the state – to our Commonwealth’s public higher education system.
It is important for you to review the enclosed guidelines carefully to determine whether you meet the scholarship eligibility requirements. If you do, I encourage you to consider applying to any of the campuses on the attached list.
Please put this letter in a safe place. In order to be granted free tuition, you must send a copy of this letter to the financial aid office as proof of your award.
Congratulations again, and best wishes for your continued success.
Mitt Romney