The State Secretary gave an interview this morning and stated that he expects a recount in the Second Suffolk Senate contest. Any late word on that? If the results stand, it’s a shame that a talented, energetic and obviously capable candidate like Sonia Chang-Diaz fell short. On the other hand, a majority of Democratic primary voters chose not to vote for Dianne Wilkerson. Hope springs eternal.
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I commented on the results open thread last night while Sonia was making her announcement. The vote count was too messy and uncertain, and from the numbers we had at the campaign, we could not call the result. So far, it’s still unknown.
Actually, I can confidently predict that not just a majority but an overwhelming majority of Democratic primary voters did not vote for Dianne. In the two precincts I saw, the majority of ballots cast contained no vote at all (since there were no names on the ballot). I fully expect that trend holds throughout the district.