From discussions here over the last few days, it looks like neither of the candidates running for Secretary of State has a lot of support. I probably will vote for Bonifaz because Galvin does not seem to think voters matter given his “reluctance” to debate. (By the way, I love the chicken and the clucking sounds.) Bonifaz has a great background in voters’ rights, but he seems way too focused on just that one issue.
I really wish there was another candidate. (Sorry, I will not vote for Green Party candidate.) I cannnot believe that there is no one else in Massachusetts running for this office. It is so important to good government and to protecting the general public. Can anyone suggest a write-in candidate? I know Cam Kerry was going to run and then dropped out when Galvin decided to run again.
Let us agree at the outset that nobody gets points for avoinding debates.
My main concern, however, echoed by some on the BMG website, is that Mr. Bonifaz is a one-trick pony. I wonder if Bonifaz would agree to e debate where the topics are limited to the business climate in Massachusestts and the responsibilites of the office of the Secretary regarding securities regulation? We are two weeks out and the Bonifaz website still has roughly zero references to securities regulation.
In a marginally related note that should probably be made elsewhere, I note that a recent poster has referred to Galvin as pro-life and pro-war. While I think these positions are irrelevant to the SOC job, I know they are voting issues for some even on the city council level. I would be especially interested in seeing some proof on the pro-war claim.
to get even one debate between the two, I can’t see restricting topics. Try to cover everything in the one shot we’ll get.
For the sake of clarity, I am curious as to why you wouldn’t vote for the Green(-Rainbow) candidate, Jill Stein. Her politics are fairly similar to those of John Bonifaz, and she shows up at debates. If it is an issue of policy or specific politics, then it would be interesting to hear that. Or is it just because she is not a Democrat?
1) John Bonifaz.
2) Bill Galvin.
3) Write this person a letter; do not send it to the election office; instead, send it directly to her or him and tell them to take up your call to public service and run for office. Then keep working on them until they accept. At last, vote for them next time around, when the vote for them will actually mean something.
In the meantime, to cast a vote for real choices and real consequences, see options 1) or 2).
Doh. was trying to start 3) off with < insert name of person you think should run for Sec State here >. You can see where I went wrong.
Looks like it’s my turn to say it … “preview is my friend”
Dont write off Jill with write in vote.
First of all a write in vote is a wasted one unless its part of a broader candidacy, second your absolutely right that Bonifaz is a one issue candidate who will abuse the office as a bully pulpit, third I know Galvin will win but he does need to be seriously challenged on where he’s weak and I think Jill fits that role.
She will be on the general ballot, thats a sure bet unlike Bonifaz, she supports the bulk of his laudable electoral reform positions while also supporting far more practical positions on corporate regulation and securities management. She does not support his pseudo-socialist positions that will drive jobs away from the state and she will not use the office as a bully pulpit to protest Iraq among other issues. She is committed to fairness and neutrality, and openess as well, and shes never afraid to debate her opponents unlike Galvin.
And this is tough for me, I have met Mr. Galvin on many occasions and he is a very nice man, a very personable man, and in some respects a very humble one in person considering how his name and face are on every document from his department. Also he represents the last of a breed, a street breed nuts and bolts politician, in the shade of a Menino or Kevin White without the latters progressive stances. But my vote is not a danger to Galvin, but it will send a message that he could be doing more than merely being nice, he could be doing his job.